GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Sahana Software Foundation

Create a new Template in Sahana

completed by: Samsruti Dash

mentors: Michael Howden

Sahana has the ability to create a number of different templates ( to support a range of different Deployments (

Create your own template for a real / hypothetical deployment of Sahana:

1. Requirements Gathering
- Which organisation(s) will be using this deployment
- Who will be using it?
- What information will

2. Implement Template
According to the deployment requirements: (Use the existing templates as a guide)
- Set deployment_settings
- Pick which modules to enable
- Customise resources & controllers
- Customize the home page, layout and other pages
- Add Prepopulate Data and other data sources
- Customize Theme / create new theme

3. Test Template
- Run through it - check that everything works
- Conduct a usability test with another person (see:

4. Present Template
- Share a summary of the above steps that you took to develop your template. Include any ideas for how to improve your template.
- Prepare a slide deck or video to share your template
- Upload the code for your template to a separate branch (not every template needs to be in trunk)

5. Improve Wiki Documentation
- Make the documentation clearer for the next person
- Explain things which you found difficult
- Add new information to the wiki which you learnt throughout the task

Note: Submit pull requests to theĀ Template branch of edengci/eden".