Wikimedia Foundation

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Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge... That's what we're doing. The Wikimedia Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit company which operates Wikipedia and other community-built, open-source, free-content educational resource web sites. Wikimedia maintains the open-source MediaWiki software which powers these and many other wiki sites.


  • A universal Image Rendering and Resizing Daemon This is a proposal to fix the MediaWiki bug #4854 [1], implementing a daemon program to render and resize images uploaded by Wikipedia users. Separating the image manipulating work from the MediaWiki application will greatly alleviate application server's load, thus improve the overall performance. The API will be designed as general as possible to accommodate the needs of other applications that also render and resize images in large quantity.
  • Doogg - The New Cortado Applet - Doogg es la variant of the cortado applet java by embedding this applet in your website, you can give viewers access to streams from either streaming server or play a local file from your server without the need for a locally installed media player supporting the correct formats on the visitor’s computer applet for Ogg formats (Vorbis, Theora). # Suport OGG Theora and Vorbis # Embeddin in the Website - # Access to fullscreen # Control Bar for navigating # Playlist Xpfs, m3u
  • Semantic Layers extension Creating a stabile version of the Semantic Layers extension for Semantic MediaWiki: finishing current features, adding new ones, improve usability and thorough fully documenting everything.
  • Turning MediaWiki into an efficient localisation platform There are over 250 Wikipedias and together they are one of the biggest and most popular websites of the world. MediaWiki, the software that supports Wikipedia, needs to be versatile in order to support the requirements of all those languages. With this project the aim is to make the localisation environment even better. The Translate extension which is used for example at needs to be made fast to stop wasting time of translators and administrators.