GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2010

The NTP Forum

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The NTP Forum exists to support the Network Time Protocol Project and the users of NTP.


  • Implementation of unit tests Currently, the NTP project does not have any testing framework. My project would be to implement unit tests to test the code in the project. The top priority would be to test the libntp part of the project, and after that move on to the other parts. The tests should be written in a way, so that a single test only test a single module of the codebase at the same time. The tests should also be grouped together by which module they are testing.
  • NTP – Documentation Automation Project This project was started in 2008 as a GSoC project with the goal to automate NTP Project documentation process. Besides the fact that NTP – Documentation Automation Project aims to automate NTP documentation process, it will also contribute entire open source community in documenting sources in a variety of different formats.