GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2010

Plone Foundation

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The Plone Foundation was formed in May 2004 to serve as a supporting organization for Plone. We provide support for the development and marketing of Plone, and are modeled after similar ventures such as the Apache Software Foundation. The Plone Foundation is the legal owner of the Plone codebase, trademarks, and domain names. Our goal is to ensure that Plone remains the premier open source content management system and that we broaden its acceptance and visibility.


  • AJAXIFY PloneFormGen form editing I will introduce several new features that will make PloneFormGen ("PFG" from now on) even easier to use, as well as more stable and more Web 2.0ish. The current version of PFG has couple of pitfalls which I'll be working on towards their removal. The editing of PFG items will introduce new jQuery powered front-end and it'll make it easier for the average user to change the order of the form items, as well as easily modify any of them.
  • CMIS for Plone (cmis4plone) The Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard defines a domain model and Web Services and Restful AtomPub bindings that can be used by applications to work with one or more Content Management repositories/systems. I would develop a useful subset of this specification to add or increase interoperability among Plone and other CMS. This would be an application that runs in a server that implements the WSGI specifications and communicates with Plone servers via the wsapi4plone API
  • Core tiles development. Deco is a revolutionary page composition system heavily based on semantic HTML and middleware software (either WSGI or using a post-publication hook), which could probably be shipped by default with Plone 5. The underlying Deco architecture, based on the concepts of panels and tiles, needs a set of core tiles (image, video, navigation tree, content-type field) to be inserted in the page.
  • Simplifying the Plone TTW theme customization experience The experience of creating or customizing a Plone theme needs to be simplified. A designer should be able to create and package a new theme completely TTW. This project aims to simplify the experience of through the web (TTW) theme customization and theme redistribution.