International GeoGebra Institute

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The InternationaI GeoGebra Institute (IGI) is the not-for-profit organization behind the educational open source mathematics software GeoGebra. Our software and educational materials are used by millions of students and teachers world wide. IGI is a network of local user, developer and researcher groups at currently 50 universities on all continents. Within IGI, teachers and researchers work together to promote the learning and teaching of mathematics by supporting and coordinating the following activities:
- implement new features of the free software GeoGebra,
- develop free GeoGebra workshop materials,
- offer workshops for teachers and future GeoGebra trainers,
- develop an on-line support system for teachers,
- evaluate and improve the professional development activities and materials,
- design and implement research projects both on GeoGebra and IGI, and
- deliver presentations at national and international conferences.
GeoGebra is open-source dynamic mathematics software that combines features of interactive geometry, algebra, calculus, and statistics in one single, easy to use package for mathematics education at all levels.
The system is available for download free of charge from and runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux platforms. Today, GeoGebra is available in 55 languages and used by millions of students and teachers from elementary school up to university level in 190 countries world-wide. The software facilitates the creation of mathematical constructions and models by students that allow interactive explorations by dragging objects and changing parameters. Furthermore, GeoGebra is also an authoring tool that allows teachers to create interactive web-pages. On the GeoGebraWiki (, users have already shared tens of thousands of free learning objects that can be modified and adapted to specific local or individual needs.
- Adding MPReduce as additional GeogebraCAS engine I would like to implement an additional engine for the GeogebraCAS module, using the MPReduce CAS.
- Equation Editor Integrate an existing equation editor like the one in TutorMates or make one out of JLaTeXMath. The formulas will be exportable in LaTeX and MathML.
- GeoGebra Translation Platform GeoGebra is translated into more than fifty languages and those translations are organized manually at the moment, taking away much time from the developers. The target of this project is to create new or modify existing online translation tools to simplify the translation process, making it more easy and less time consuming for both translators and developers. While this project is intended to help GeoGebra's development its outcome could be beneficial for other open source projects as well.
- GeoGebra3D - Intersections The main goal of the project will be to investigate and implement methods of calculating and displaying inteesections of various geometrical objects in three dimensions. This will be accomplished through general methods for polygonal meshes, as well as specialized methods where deemed necessary.
- GeoGebraMobile GUI Prototype The main effort of the project is the development of a graphical user interface for the GeoGebra to Javascript port (GeoGebraMobile) using GWT. Development will be centered around existing components (GGJsViewer) and expand them. The user interface should capture the look and feel of the original Java application (Desktop/Web Start) where possible and reasonable. The ultimate goal is to create a functioning prototype which provides a small subset of features found in the original application.
- Implicit Curve Extensions I would like to continue my work on implicit curves, implement new methods and improve existing ones, espacially some cases which do not work well at the moment. (eg curves which are not “squarefree”) Another thing I would really like to work on are inequalities with implicit curves.
- Multiuser GeoGebra using a server Allow two users to collaborate on a file within a browser.