Komodo OpenLab Inc.

Web Page: http://wiki.komodoopenlab.com/index.php/Main/GSoC2011
Mailing List: mailto:info@komodoopenlab.com
[IMAGE http://komodoopenlab.com/wp-content/themes/komodo2/images/komodo-logo_header.png]
Komodo is a research and development lab specializing in the creation, adaptation and support of open and inclusive technologies that facilitate the daily lives of people with disabilities and also benefit everybody else.
This year we are focusing on two projects:
- Tecla: a collection of mobile open source and open hardware applications that may be used to enable access to, and extend the functionality of, mobile devices for people with motor impairments, and
- tagin!: an open source, location tagging engine that may be used to create indoor, location-based services (LBS) and applications (think indoor GPS).
- Tagin geocaching game Tagin is a location tagging engine that may be used to guide blind people in indoor areas. It works based on recorded WiFi fingerprinting data. The big challenge is how to keep data updated. Tagin geocaching game allows finding of hidden objects inside the buildings using Android phones. If a lot of people use the game, the result will lead to an updated fingerprinting of WiFi signals for the building. People will enjoy playing the game while updating WiFi fingerprinting data in the background.
- Tagin! - Location Tagging Engine tagin! is an open source, location tagging engine that may be used to create indoor, location-based services and applications. The initial goal of the project is to create a mobile engine that characterizes the distinct patterns of radio-frequency activity in a particular place and assigns a unique identifier or URN to each one. The second phase of the project intends to develop a demo application to showcase the potential of tagin! engine.
- Tekla Framework for 3rd party applications Tekla is a collection of mobile open source and open hardware applications that may be used to enable access to, and extend the functionality of, mobile devices for people with motor impairments.. Goal of project is to develop a framework that enables 3rd party applications to leverage from existing Tekla structure to make their applications completely accessible to people with mobility impairments. Currently Tekla does not provide direct access to third party applications.