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The MoinMoin project is developing a popular wiki engine in Python. Wikis are getting more and more important for the communication infrastructure of OSS groups all over the world. Especially groups like Apache, Ubuntu, Python, Debian, Xen, KernelNewbies, (de), etc. are using MoinMoin to keep the contact going with their users and developers and for documentation. We have some few long-time core developers, some more casual developers and quite many developers contributing plugin code.
- Search Engine support, Query parsing Add indexing support and implement a similiar query based search mechanism as in MoinMoin 1.x using whoosh.
- Tests - py.test 2.0 This is a project to re implement all the tests of MoinMoin for py.test 2.0 and improve the test coverage.
- UI improvements in MoinMoin wiki UI improvements is very important issue as the currently designed interface base for displaying the content is not very much intutive. I will try to add nice views for the contents and items.I will try to add some good look in appearance by re-arranging the content by editing templates ( jinja2 editing ) and adding CSS.I will try to enhance the usability by adding Javascript/jquery actions on the pages and enhance some currently implemented features.