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The mission of the Mozilla Project is to preserve choice and innovation on the Internet. We are the producer and provider of the award-winning Firefox web browser and Thunderbird email software, and the home of the Drumbeat initiative to "build cool stuff on the web". We are an advocate for open standards on the Net, and provide tools for developing standard web content. We also provide software development tools used by hundreds of free software projects worldwide. The Mozilla Project in GSoC is a container for opportunities to work on Gecko, Firefox, SeaMonkey, Network Security Services (NSS), Drumbeat and other areas of the Mozilla project, using a wide variety of technologies and languages. This year we have opportunities on our list using C, C++, Python, JavaScript, WebGL/OpenGL and more, and students are always welcome to submit their own ideas which align with our mission.
- Border Implementation Improvement Improve border corner rendering and interaction of dashed /dotted styles with other styles. Currently the -moz-border-radius doesnt work well with a few styles. The project would aim to better implement the same. The css styles dotted and dashed dont interact well with double / solid. The implemenation of these needs to be improved.
- Creation of a WebCL add-on The purpose of this project is to provide an add-on containing an already existing JavaScript OpenCL binding for Firefox, along with tools easing the development of WebCL programs.
- Explore and implement JDK7 InvokeDynamic The goal of this project is to make Rhino generate bytecode that uses JSR 292 InvokeDynamic and compare its performance characteristics with the current code.
- Further Scalarization of Trace Segments The trace compilation technique was invented by Andreas Gal and Michael Franz, who used ideas from previous works, like trace scheduling and the Dynamo Compiler. Many papers have been published on this subject since the debut of the technique, in the early 2007, and the area is still a hot research topic. The objective of this project is to increase the performance of the binaries produced by the TraceMonkey JIT compiler, used by the Mozilla Firefox browser to compile JavaScript programs
- HTML Speech API implementation The HTML Speech Incubator group has proposed the implementation of speech technology in browsers in the form of uniform, cross-platform APIs that can be used to build rich web applications. The aim of this project is to implement these API's as a part of the Mozilla Firefox Browser.
- Implementing full offline mode for Updating Calendar in Lightning This project aims to build an offline mode for the calendar application (Sunbird and Lightning) of the Mozilla Open Source suite. The details of the enhancement can be found at Bugzilla:
- Improvements for the New Calendar Wizard for the Mozilla Calendar Project I would like to improve the new calendar wizard, since it could use a few usability improvements that make it easier for first-time users to set up their calendars
- Integrate Transifex l10n platform for Extensions Give extension localizers and authors the best web-localization platform around — the Transifex system.
- Javascript Implementation of XMPP protocol Implement XMPP protocol in Javascript as an Instantbird extension. This will let other extensions extend upon the XMPP protocol, which is not quite possible with the libpurple xmpp. This will let developers easily create extensions such as collaborative editors and drawing boards.
- MediaWiki parser The aim of this proposal is to implement a new MediaWiki parser, in Python, using proper parsing techniques: generating a parse tree, manipulating it, and then outputting in HTML.
- Tilt: a WebGL-based 3D visualization of a Webpage. Tilt represents a new way of visualizing a web page. This tool creates a 3D representation of the document, with the purpose of displaying, understanding and easily analyzing the DOM. It will take advantage of the great tools Firefox has to offer, as it is an extension which contains a WebGL implementation, providing rich user-experience, fun interaction and useful information, while taking full advantage of 3D hardware acceleration, GLSL shaders and what OpenGL ES 2.0 has to offer.