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ScummVM is a collection of Virtual Machines for playing classic graphical point-and-click adventure games on modern hardware.
Supported games include favorites such as Monkey Island, Simon the Sorcerer, Space Quest, and many more.
To this end, the Virtual Machines (called Engines) are complete reimplementations in C++ of the engines used in the original games. The development team works either by reverse engineering game executables (usually with the permission of creators of the game), or by using the original source code of the games provided by the creators. The number of engines is constantly growing thanks to a very agile and diversified development team.
The VM approach followed by ScummVM results in efficient code, which has been ported to numerous Operating Systems. Besides running on all mainstream desktop environments, namely Windows, Mac OS X and most Unix variants (Linux, *BSD, Solaris), ScummVM also runs on popular game consoles (Wii, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable and more), smart phones and PDAs (WinCE, PalmOS, iPhone, Symbian etc.), and even on many not-so-mainstream systems (like BeOS/Hakiu, AmigaOS, GP2X or OS/2).
ScummVM has a highly productive team of about 49 currently active developers (out of an all-time pool of over 100), working together on a codebase almost 1,200,000 lines of code.
In addition ScummVM has many non-developer contributors, and a huge and highly active community. ScummVM is among the top ranking projects hosted on with well over 100,000 monthly downloads and ~10 million project web hits per month.
- Objectify CruisE Engine The goal of the project is to rewrite the CruisE Engine using object oriented programming paradigms.