Network Time

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Network Time Foundation supports the efforts of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and the Precision Time Protocol Daemon (PTPd) Projects.


  • Improving NTP's logging/debugging system Logs are emitted by network devices, operating systems, applications and all manner of intelligent or programmable device. A stream of messages in time-sequence often comprises a log. Logs may be directed to files, stored on disk, or directed as a network stream to a log collector. Logs are often created by the software developers to aid in the debugging of the operation of the application. Hence, log analysis must interpret messages within the context of an application, system or configuration in order to make useful comparisons to messages from different log sources. The goals of the project are to: • Redesign/Change NTP's logging/debugging system. • Write a common debugging/logging interface for NTP. Benefits to Community The redesigning of the NTP's logging/debugging system is aimed at giving better control for logging and debugging and shall also be instrumental in improvement of ntpd's logging and diagnostic capabilities. A consistent logging interface for NTP and its projects would simplify its codebase and would make it more consistent. It also would be beneficial for other NTP projects, like on NTP's less complex implementation Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) by giving it access to its logging/debugging interface. The aimed-for improved system and the unification of logging/debugging interfaces shall in beneficial for both developers and users.
  • Proposal by Tomasz Kleinschmidt for the Management Message Client (PTPd) I would like to take up the Management Message Client project which is aimed at implementing a client that can use management messages to control the PTPd server.
  • PTPManager: A Management message client for PTP The objective of the project is implementation of a client that would send management messages to a computer running PTP daemon. These management messages are then used to control the server. The client then receives response or error messages from server which are handled at client computer and results of query/command is displayed on client console.
  • Study the uselfuness of clock models - Part 2 During the GSOC 2011, I have started this project under the supervision of Dr.Levine. Now, the idea is to firstly write a program to evaluate the Allan variance of a computer clock that is compared to a remote reference using NTP. Second, to integrate the Kalman Filter based on the model from the Dr. Levine's Review of Scientific Instruments.