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Twitter is built on open source software, from the back-end to the front-end. Twitter engineers use, contribute to and release a lot of open source software. We of the Twitter Open Source Office support a variety of open source organizations and are grateful to the open source community for their contributions, and want to maintain our healthy, reciprocal relationship.

If you have questions or problems, please tweet us at @twitteross


  • Bringing more localization capabilities to twitter-cldr-rb gem. Recently open sourced gem twitter-cldr-rb is a good starting point for developing a library that'll bring reach internationalization and localization capabilities to Ruby language. Though, at this point the gem lacks several features that would be very useful for localization software. These features include full support of pluralization rules, text normalization, strings sorting, etc. My goal during Google Summer of Code will be to make these capabilities available to the Ruby community by implementing them (at least a substantial number of them) as a part of twitter-cldr-rb gem.
  • MySQL Codec for Finagle Implement the MySQL protocol as a codec within finagle