GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2012 Umit Project

Network Administrator to the cloud land

by Amit Pal for Umit Project

Network Administrator to the Cloud Land is a monitoring tool which runs on the cloud and allows users to manage their hosts and networks. Monitoring tools such as the Network Inventory send events to NA using the Rest API. An Event is a single information about what happened on a server. These events contain a message, type of event, name of network protocol, and other host information. What makes this NA different from other Network Administrators is its functionalities such as having a sharable host, storage of data on the cloud, widgets and plugins which will allow the users to develop new features according to their requirements etc. Moreover, users do not have to know about the Django architecture and NA core in order to develop plugins. The base required to run the Network Administrator has already been developed during the last Summer of Code. This summer of code mainly aims at extending the current functionalities such as an improvement of the current permission system, improved widgets and plugin API; and adding new features such as IpV6 support, Ajax support for each widget, Feeds for Skype and IRC, a comment section for each event, addition of more layers on the map, various plugins which allow users to take any action on hosts, and various visualizations in the form of graphs and charts which will help users to easily interpret data.