GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2013 Apache Software Foundation

Generic Naked Objects app in JavaScript for Apache ISIS

by Bhargav Golla for Apache Software Foundation

This project is a result of my brainstorming over the idea given on Apache Software Foundation’s ISIS project’s GSoC Ideas page[4]. Dan Haywood has developed a jQuery mobile demo for a Restful Objects viewer. It renders Restful Objects in a mobile app/website kind of UI. As part of this project, I am supposed to make it more generic. I liked this idea and immediately took up the job of finding a solution for the same. My proposed way of solving this problem is to implement a generic viewer using Javascript. A user who wants to develop an app, should just provide server details and we will render the UI for him. For the same, I would use jQuery, jQuery Mobile, Phonegap so that these can be ported into multiple mobile platforms. Further details about plan of implementation are explained in further sections.