Genome Informatics

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The Genome Informatics group is organizing the joint efforts of Galaxy, GBrowse, GMOD, JBrowse, Reactome, Wormbase, ProtEco, and SeqWare. This is a great opportunity for students to contribute to the work of any of eight established bioinformatics projects:
- Galaxy: An open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research.
- GBrowse: The Generic Genome Browser (GBrowse) is a web application for searching and displaying annotations on genomes.
- Generic Model Organism Database: An open source project to develop a complete set of software for creating and administering a model organism database.
- JBrowse: The JBrowse is being developed as the successor to GBrowse. It is a modern, fast genome browser implemented almost entirely in JavaScript, with some server-side formatting code in Perl.
- Reactome: A manually curated database of core pathways and reactions in human biology that functions as a data mining resource and electronic textbook.
- Wormbase: An online bioinformatics database of the biology and genome of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and related nematodes.
- PortEco: The PortEco project unifies web access to information and tools about the biology of E. coli, its bacteriophages, plasmids, and mobile genetic elements.
- SeqWare: A multi-faceted project that includes a developer-friendly workflow development and execution engine (SeqWare Pipeline) along with a NoSQL variant database (SeqWare Query Engine), which is used by automate the analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing data.
- eQTL Pipeline and Visualisation For The Galaxy Project Establish an eQTL pipeline in Galaxy for various tools, pack them in a workflow for comparison and implement visualisation heatmaps and scatter plots using d3.js.
- Genome Informatics - Improving UX of GMOD Extensions for MediaWiki (widget, skin and feedback extension)
- Reactome Smartphone Application This project aims to bring Reactome to the smartphones. Reactome’s REST API is quite diverse and exposes lots of data. This data can be utilized to develop a smartphone app which would allow users to access pathways and other data easily. The technology is advancing at a rapid rate and the count of smartphones is increasing everyday. A good app is necessary to allow users to access the data from anywhere. My objective is to develop a user friendly app which gives access to data anywhere. I will use jQuery mobile to design the UI and it will be wrapped into Phonegap to make it a native app.
- WormBase iOS App/Mobile web site Development of a mobile web application and a HTML5 App for accessing the database.