Gentoo Foundation

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We produce Gentoo Linux, a special flavor of Linux that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme performance, configurability and a top-notch user and developer community are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience. To learn more, read our about page.


  • Framework for automated ebuild generators The goal of this project is the creation of a solid framework that will allow an integration of 3rd party software providers (like pypi, octave-forge, ELPA) with Gentoo in a unified way.
  • Gentoo On Android This project is about running Gentoo natively on Android devices. I am going to develop libc support and root permission handling in Gentoo Prefix, and deploy the enhanced Gentoo Prefix in parallel to Android userland in mobile devices, such as smart phone and tablet. This will provide a full-featured native GNU userland to Android system. Provided libc is integrated into Gentoo Prefix seamlessly, cross-compiled bootstrapping of Gentoo Prefix will be investigated to ease the deployment process of Gentoo on Android.
  • OpenID provider The webapp is an early front-end to the LDAP infrastructure used by Gentoo to authenticate the developers. The project aims to built a complete OpenID provider on top of it, to provide a common authentication and identity exchange mechanism for all Gentoo sites.
  • LDAP front-end web interface I propose to implement an LDAP front-end web interface that will allow Gentoo developers and users to configure easily their attributes from Gentoo’s LDAP server. This project is based on a previous GSoC project codenamed ‘Okupy’, which is an LDAP authentication web UI. The web application will be for general usage and not only for LDAP administrators or system admins.
  • Puppet module for gentoo The aim of this project is to extend the current puppet-portage module and improve gentoo support on upstream modules.
  • R_Overlay: Automated overlay maintenance extend overlay creation and add automated overlay maintenance