Liquid Galaxy Project

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[IMAGE]Liquid Galaxy is a remarkably compelling panoramic display system. As an immersive visualization tool it breaks new ground by using commodity-off-the-shelf hardware. Applications that have been enabled for Liquid Galaxy include - Google Earth, SecondLife, WorldWide Telescope, MPlayer and several game engines. The goal of this Summer of Code project is to further extend the capabilities of this environment using open source software and tools.
Students: Having an understanding and appreciation of Liquid Galaxy is an absolute requirement for a successful application. The best way to get that knowledge is to build one! Please make an attempt to build a two machine Liquid Galaxy using the Quick Start guide. If you have difficulties use the community mailing list at
Please read our GSoC Ideas Page and if you have specific GSoC questions contact
Ben Goldstein & Andrew Leahy (Liquid Galaxy Project Admins)
- Immersive multi-screen video conference The project idea is having an application, similar to Google Hangouts, that offers the possibility to display, on different screens, the participants of the video conference (one per screen). I think this project would be useful for video conferences and meetings because it will be easy to use and configure(no plugin required).
- Open Data & Open Dai link to Liquid Galaxy The Open Data & Open Dai* link will provide a set of tools that will help importing and visualizing data from files on public administration Open Data repositories, all geolocated over Google Earth on a Liquid Galaxy rig. Using an android aplication to manage this data both for navigation and importation will make this addition afordable, user friendly, very portable and will be intended to need a minimum configuration on the core of the Liquid Galaxy.
- System, Network and Caching Performance Benchmarking The idea of this project is to develop a real-time performance benchmarking solution that will help diagnose bottlenecks and configure the SquidHTTP cache for a better performance. The metrics that this solution will take care are: - CPU, Memory, Network utilization and User eXperience Level.