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MuseScore is music notation software used by millions of musicians worldwide to create, play back and print sheet music. MuseScore is easy to use, yet powerful, and creates professional-looking sheet music. MuseScore is licensed under GNU GPLv2.
MuseScore is available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, and is available in 45 languages. It features an easy to use WYSIWYG editor with audio score playback for results that look and sound beautiful. It supports unlimited staves with up to four voices each, dynamics, articulations, lyrics, chords, lead sheet notation, import/export of MIDI and MusicXML, export to PDF and WAV, plus online score sharing.
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- Improved MIDI import for MuseScore notation program The project goal is to improve MIDI import in MuseScore by implementation of several different features that will be useful for conversion MIDI files to music notation. It is important possibility to import MIDI files recorded with other software. There is no one-to-one conversion from MIDI to music notation in general but the conversion process can be made more accurate. I hope this project will help to improve MIDI import operations in MuseScore and make user work with the program more effective.
- MuseScore in the browser (EmScripten) I will port the core "libmscore" module of MuseScore into the browser (using Emscripten). I will also write an html5 application that will use this library as a proof of concept. The goal of this application will be to display and transpose an MSCZ file in the browser.