52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

Web Page: https://wiki.52north.org/bin/view/Projects/GSoC2013ProjectIdeas
Mailing List: http://52north.org/resources/mailing-list-and-forums/
52°North is an international R&D partner network with partners from academia, the public sector and industry (http://52north.org). Our goal is to foster innovation in the field of Geoinformatics by organizing and facilitating a collaborative software development process. The topics we address, such as the sensor web, the web of things or linked open data, reflect both the strengths and strategies of the partners involved.
Some of our software projects are ILWIS, SOS, and WPS.
All of the 52°North software is published under an OSI approved open source license. 52°North GmbH, which is the legal body and service center of this network, acts as a non-profit organization (http://52north.org/about/get-involved/shareholder-agreement).
- 52north - Open Sensor Search Idea proposal I'm Mohammad A Yakoub , I'm presenting this proposal in which I include : information about me , Information about the idea , my view about the architecture of the solution and furthur explanations
- 52°North Web Processing Service Admin Web Module Build a new and flexible web admin module for 52°North Web Processing Service. The architecture should be pluggable and allow for the integration of configuration modules, the definition of configuration parameters, and the retrieval of configuration values during runtime and in a type safe manner. In addition, the web module should provide the ability to configure repositories, generators, parsers, users, logs, and other settings through a modern user interface.
- Seismic Data Modeling in SOS (From Abstract) Sensor Web is a web application that allows users to view time series data via SOS, from various global sensor networks. It provides visual locations for each sensor as well as graphically representing the data. This project hopes to accomplish the following: - Enable SOS to access seismic data sensors - Implement Sensor Web Client functionality to visualize seismograms and graphical seismic data. These two general steps will effectively add a new spectrum of data analysis for Sensor Web and 52 North, creating a quick and useful way for seismologists to view online sensor data.
- Trajectory Analysis in R This project intends to develop statistical and visualization methods for trajectory analysis in the R programming language based on the classes from the spacetime package.