Open Source Robotics Foundation

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Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. (OSRF) is an independent non-profit organization in Mountain View, California ( Our mission is to support the development, distribution, and adoption of open source software for use in robotics research, education, and product development. Our work is supported by contracts, grants, and donations from government and industry. At the time of writing, we have a full-time staff of 14, mostly software engineers.
- Develop new Parameter API for C++ ROS client My name is Gonzalo Abella. I am a Spanish student/researcher in the Robotics Group at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid. I am very interested in working with you as a student on the GSoC2013 program. I love programming robots and I would like to participate or collaborate in any project related to robotics. The project I like the most is "Develop new Parameter API for C++ ROS client". What attracts me the most from this project is the possibility to design and then do the code, it is not just the code. In my application I suggest a possible design. I think I will succeed in providing a clean and easy to use new Parameter Server.
- Fluid Dynamics This project would entail development of a fluid dynamics physics engine that would enable the use of aerial and underwater vehicles in simulation.
- Generic layer for different cloud providers and OpenStack for using CloudSim in local clouds CloudSim currently uses boto to access Amazon's webservice, however boto is restricted to Amazon only, libcloud instead supports other providers. On the other hand, CloudSim wants to support private clouds via Openstack, which apart from its own API, includes a compatibility layer for AWS. Both goals may need to modify the same parts of the code, as such, a better approach is to tackle both problems in different steps.