Ruby on Rails

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Web development that doesn't hurt
Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.
- Rails Web Console One of the most-compelling features of Ruby on Rails when it was first released was its console that allowed direct interaction with the application. It would be useful to extend this ability to a browser to aid development and testing in situations where direct shell access isn't available. I would also like to make it available on the default error pages with the context of the error, as I find this extremely useful while debugging.
- REST Actions for Resource Collections RoR already has great support for individual resources and heavily follows the REST style. This project deals with implementing the same extensive support for resource collections as enjoyed by individual resources.
- Reworking the Initialization of Rails Ruby on Rails currently implements the singleton design pattern for applications in a Ruby process. This rigid architecture causes global configurations to persist in an application and prevents developers from configuring multiple distinct applications. The current initialization sequence of Ruby on Rails also prevents developers from configuring an application and initializing the application based on that configuration. My work will attempt to solve this problem by 1) removing the singleton design pattern, 2) allowing each application to have its own configuration, and 3) reordering the initialization sequence so that applications are configured before they are initialized.
- Split out ActionView from ActionPack and add Support for View classes. Project focus on ActionView. First part of it would be to finish up extraction ActionView from ActionPack. Next, adding support for view classes to it.
- The Path to Faster And Better HTML Sanitization Improve Ruby on Rails HTML sanitization by switching to Loofah and give developers more control via new API.