TYPO3 Association

Web Page: http://wiki.typo3.org/Gsoc2013/Ideas
Mailing List: http://lists.typo3.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-gsoc
“Jointly Innovate Excellent Free Software Enabling People to Communicate.” – The TYPO3 Project's mission.
The TYPO3 project has grown from one product to a family of products in 2012. TYPO3 CMS is an enterprise-class Open Source Content Management System built with PHP and has a 10 year development history. Besides the current TYPO3 CMS the TYPO3 community has, in the past years, developed a PHP application framework called Flow. TYPO3 Flow supports features like Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming. TYPO3 Neos, a new CMS based on Flow, with WYSIWYG on page editing is currently one of the main family members of the TYPO3 family and will be up for a first stable release this year.
Because of its Danish origins the majority of the TYPO3 developer community is located in Europe and especially in Germany, but TYPO3 is enjoying a growing popularity in Asia, Africa, and the Americas recently.
There are about 500,000 installations of TYPO3 CMS world wide including high profile websites of large companies such as Lufthansa, Volkswagen, T-Online, DHL, 3M, General Electric, and Stanford University and many government sites to name a few. TYPO3 CMS has been downloaded over 7 million times.
Highlights of TYPO3 CMS’s feature set are its complete separation of content and design, a fine-grained permission system, a WYSIWYG rich text editor, an integrated versioning and workflow system, frontend / in-site editing, integrated search engine, dynamic navigation menu generation, dynamic graphics generation, standards compliant output and single source publishing, multi-language support, advanced caching system with reverse proxy support, and user registration. In addition an open API enables very versatile options for developing extensions and additional functionality.
The main goal of the TYPO3 Association is to support core development of the TYPO3 Open Source Content Management System on a steady basis and to improve the transparency and efficiency of various aspects of the TYPO3 project.
- Create a oAuth layer I like the idea of the oAuth plugin, because I think it is most needed for the project and suitable for me. I would like to implement as part of a summer internship oAuth plugin.
- Fluid : Cut dependencies on Flow. Fluid,the template engine used by TYPO3, uses Flow as its framework. The aim of the project is to make Fluid independent of Flow,so that it can be integrated with other frameworks as well,or can work even without a framework. So,the project aims at making Fluid fully functional and standalone template engine.
- FluidBoilerplate I propose that TYPO3 Neos adopt a new package type: a Boilerplate. For this GSOC project, I will create two example Boilerplate packages: Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5 Boilerplate. I will build a Boilerplate framework in a TYPO3.FluidBoilerplate package. This package will provide a RESTful api for a decoupled UI (similar to TemplaVoila). The UI will be in the TYPO3.FluidBuilder package, however I will focus more on the backend layer in TYPO3.FluidBoilerplate.
- TYPO3 Flow meets Ember.js (previously named: Kickstarter for Flow/Ember.js applications) The goal of this project is to enable a loose coupling of TYPO3 Flow domain models and Ember.js data models through conventions. Therefore, a Flow-based REST API (controller, view, route part) that complies to the Ember conventions will be implemented. A scaffolding/kickstart functionality will provide the generation of Ember models from Flow model semantics. Additionally, the kickstarter will be able to generate a full prototype of all remaining client-side assets (Ember controllers, views, handlebar templates) for a basic Ember-based user interface. In short, using Flow to build great Ember apps should become very easy.