BumbleBee Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (BBAUV)

License: MIT license
Web Page: http://www.bbauv.com/bbauv-ideas-list-for-google-summer-of-code/
Mailing List:
BBAUV is a student-driven initiative; an educational platform for students to design and build a vehicle that is able to navigate underwater and perform a series of tasks without any remote control assistance, i.e. autonomous. —The system is targeted to be designed as highly intelligent and robust to changing environmental conditions. Every year, the team competes in the annual AUVSI Robosub student competition, held in San Diego, USA. We also participate in other relevant competitions and events, such as Singapore AUV Challenge and exploring SeaPerch programme.Projects
- Extension of existing ROS navigation map from 2D to 3D The current ROS stack provides a navigation package that can only be used in two dimensions. However for most AUV/UAV related applications, we would need 3D navigation. This proposal is to extend the existing package for use in BBAUV and to contribute back to the ROS open source code base.
- Extension of ROS navigation stack 2D to 3D The proposal strives to extend the navigation stack from 2D to 3D, as well as fixing some bugs and issues related to the navigation stack package.
- ROS and UWSim Based Simulator for an AUV In essence, my project aims at building a GUI based simulator that would simulate underwater conditions with obstacles and enable navigation of the robot with motor controls, camera input and sensor input. It would help the user to build models, setup an environment, connect to ROS nodes, plan missions and would also provide presets for all the basic conditions that an AUV can face underwater. The whole software would be fully documented unlike the current simulators.