Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien

License: GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)
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We are a loose interest group at the Technische Universität Wien (Vienna University of Technology) and particularly interested and involved in various scientific fields where computers are invaluable. Our focus is on developing, providing, and utilizing free open source software in the general field of scientific computing. Our group's aim is to bundle the university's open source efforts to improve synergy effects. We are especially interested in working with young developers, to ensure that future generations continue on the path of developing open source software for scientific computing.Free open-source projects currently authored or co-authored by our members are the following:
* Calimero:
* IoTSyS:
* nomacs:
* OpenPixi:
* Skeptik:
* ViennaCL:
* ViennaMesh:
* ViennaMOS:
* VIM:
- [OpenPixi] WebGL Visualization Full WebGL-based version of OpenPixi using threejs and offering a simpler fallback to ensure usability across different browsers and devices. Additionally I want to use GPU's computing power where possible. A visually appealing UI will also be included.
- GDAL/OGR: 3D Grid Shift Transformation GDAL/OGR is widely used geospatial data abstraction library. The transformation done in the last GSoC is implemented through equation-based approach by 7-parameters transform. Other way of transforming coordinates is using grid-shift transform. However, grid-shift has only been defined to transform horizontal datum. This project will implement 3D grid shift transformation and integrates this workflow into existing coordinate transformation chain.
- IoTSyS : Security The IoTSyS gateway can be accessed by using different bindings, like HTTP, CoAP and SOAP, but the interactions are in an insecure way. To make sure the security of the exchange of information, various security technologies should be implemented. In this project, I will focus on the HTTP protocol.
- IoTSyS: A lightweight yet scalable persistent layer for IoTSyS gateway This project aims at designing a lightweight yet scalable persistent layer for the IoTSyS gateway. Since the IoTSyS gateway run on the resource-low Raspberry Pi (RPi) platform, an in-memory cache layer should be presented to minimize access to the database. The database system in turn, is chosen to relax the requirement on ACID transactions and focus on read/write operation. Moreover, a scalable design is crucial due to the lack of storage on the RPi platform.
- IoTSyS: EnOcean Connector The project idea aims to rewrite the IoTSyS connector for EnOcean, because the existing one doesn't work properly and only a little number of device types (sensors and actuators) can be used. A new API has to be used to make the communication with the sensors and the actuators as easy as possible. To use this API in IoTSys a connector is necessary, which also will be programmed during the project. Another improvement is to support as many as possible device types.
- IoTSyS: UI This project aims to improve the usability of the current IoTSyS UI(“Internet of Things System”, “building automation”) by adding new UI elements and functionality. Further, user authentication and the possibility to persist configurations in a database shall be implemented.
- Nomacs Plugins (threshold, image transform) Nomacs is an open source image viewing and editing software. The two things that distinguish Nomacs from other image viewer are the synchronization and wide range of image formats it supports. The main goal of my project would be to add new plugins to extend Nomacs image editing capabilities.
- OpenEngSB->Evaluation of Query Techniques Ontologies capture the tool and domain specific knowledge inside the OpenEngSB. This knowledge is used later for transformation, querying and validation of heterogeneous data. Having in mind the complexity and size of a typical automation system it is very important to choose an optimal architecture for the ontological system and proper querying techniques (with focus on performance and scalability).
- OpenEngSB: Ontology back-end integration OpenEngSB provides an easy-to-use and easy-to-adapt platform for tool integration. One important issue for further implementation is to evaluate the currently available ontology data storage, to choose the best one available, and implement the backend within the OpenEngSB. The aim of this project is to solve this issue and implement the chosen storage within the OpenEngSB platform with capability of instance versioning and model evolution.
- Skeptik:Extension of Proof Compression Algorithms from Propositional to FOL Skeptik is a proof-compression tool that currently excels at compressing propositional logic proofs. First-order logic proofs, a more difficult class of proofs, is currently under-supported in the tool due partly to a lack of appropriate algorithms. The proposed project would use existing algorithms for propositional logic proofs to guide the development and implementation of new first-order logic proof compression algorithms in order to allow Skeptik to support a wider range of proofs.
- ViennaCL: Benchmark GUI The purpose of this project is to develop a stand-alone graphical user interface for the ViennaCL benchmark. The GUI will allow its users to run ViennaCL benchmarks and examine the results in an intuitive and easy to use way. In addition, the GUI will help ViennaCL gather valuable performance data across different types of hardware by providing the users with an option to upload their benchmark results.
- ViennaCL: Improving the PyViennaCL Python Wrapper This project will expose the more advanced features of the ViennaCL API, and add support for multiple devices on different compute back-ends. Furthermore, when combined with PyOpenCL and PyCUDA, Python is the ideal language for the rapid development of GPGPU algorithms. Thus, after this project, PyViennaCL will support the prototyping of GPGPU algorithms involving ViennaCL objects, which will be useful not only for ViennaCL's users, but ultimately ViennaCL itself.
- ViennaMesh Mesh Optimization This project proposal contains an overview of Meshing, Mesh Quality and Mesh Optimization. In this proposal I basically describe the algorithms that I hope to use in ViennaMesh Optimization Project. Most of the algorithms in this document consider on optimization of Tetrahedral Meshes because Tetrahedral is the most popular mesh element in three dimensional meshing.
- VIM: Shiny on Compositional Data Analysis I apply for the project "Shiny on Compositional Data Analysis", because I've got high interest in statistics and R and I also fulfill all your requirements.