The Fedora Project

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
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The Fedora Project is a worldwide community of developers who build and release the Fedora Linux distribution, as well as other deliverables that are part of the larger Fedora ecosystem and infrastructure of participation. The Fedora Project is designed to showcase the best software the open source world has to offer, and to lead the advancement of the world of open source development. The Fedora Project refuses to yield on important issues such as software patents and proprietary software, allowing none of this into the distribution and the project as a whole. We ship a completely open source and redistributable software platform, and invest sizeable amounts of time into the development of open standards and open source. For example, the Fedora Project is one of the leaders in the development of the Nouveau drivers for nVidia graphics cards. Our developers invest much of their time directly in the upstream projects Fedora works with, and our community strives to maintain good standing with all of its upstreams. Above all else, the Fedora Project has four Foudations which drive the project and the distribution: Features, Friends, Freedom and First. These are outlined on our website in more detail.Projects
- Backend improvements to GlitterGallery I'd like to make 5 major changes/improvements to GlitterGallery.
- Fedora College - GSOC student proposal This project works to create a virtual classroom for new fedora contributors. Acts as a platform for new contributors to engage with the community and learn how they can contribute best in the community. Mostly this service will be used to run online courses on contributing at various levels be it documentation, bug-fixing or packaging. The project would certainly increase the activeness in the community and certainly make it easy for newer members to craft their way around the fedora community.
- GlusterFS-iostat glusterfsiostat will be used to provide performance statistics similar to those given by nfsiostat about glusterfs mounts on a system through a standard CLI and visualization of data with a graphics processing utility.
- Implementation of chat log browser and audio/video conferencing in Waartaa Waartaa is an open source communication tool for teams and groups. It is built on top of IRC. Currently, Waartaa is an IRC client as a service and it supports centralized logging, 24x7 idling, notifications and unique identity to a user on IRC across multiple clients/devices, and also a rich UI for awesome user experience. I plan to implement a central hub for searching/reading channel logs, bookmarking channel logs, video/audio conferencing faclity and admin console panel in Waartaa.
- isitfedoraruby is a web-application built with Ruby on Rails, that keeps track of the Fedora/Ruby integration, especially gem -> rpm conversion. The project was started on 2012 as a Google Summer Of Code project by Zuhao and later were added some new features during the Google Code In program. This is my idea of enhancing it from a packager's point of view.
- Mock improvements Mock is an utility used for building RPM packages in Fedora and other RPM-based distributions. This project is aimed at enhancing the current mock implementation to be more flexible and speed up the packagers workflow.
- Shumgrepper Shumgrepper is a web app built on the top of Summershum. Summershum is a project that collects md5sum, sha1sum and sha521sum of every file present in every package. It will bring up lot of new possibilities to developers, system administers and commiters by allowing them to verify the integrity and authenticity of a tarball, package or a individual source file.
- User interface improvements to GlitterGallery GlitterGallery is an amazing designer collaboration platform being developed by folks at the Fedora design team. The goals are to allow designers to easily share their work, gather and parse feedback in a useful way, and version their work just as developers are able to. GlitterGallery will be somewhat biased to support SVGs from Inkscape, and to work with the magicmockup rapid prototyping program. This proposal aims to improve GlitterGallery in a way explained in the document.