Gentoo Foundation

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
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- Gentoo Keys: Expansion and improvements I am interested in improving and expanding the capabilities of Gentoo Keys. Gentoo Keys is a Python based project that aims to manage the GPG keys used for validation on users and Gentoo's infra servers. Gentoo Keys will be able to verify GPG keys used for Gentoo's release media, such as installation CD's, Live DVD's, packages and other GPG signed documents. It will also be used by Gentoo infrastructure to achieve GPG signed git commits in the forthcoming git migration of the main CVS tree.
- Layman Improvements This project is aimed at adding python3 support to Layman while maintaining backwards compatibility with python2.7, as well as adding new features to the codebase.
- netifrc on systemd The goal of this project is to abstract away the tight dependence of netifrc on OpenRC and write a compatibility layer for netifrc to work with other init systems like Systemd