GNU Radio

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
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GNU Radio is a free library for developing Software Defined Radio applications. In combination with the right hardware, GNU Radio is an extremely efficient way to get wireless transceivers and even entire networks running. It is used by hackers, academia and industry alike.
Written mainly in C++ and PYthon, GNU Radio can be used for anything that requires signal processing of the EM spectrum, such as
- analog and digital data modulation,
- spectral analysis,
- testing and debugging of receivers for any kind of standard,
- Cognitive Radio etc.
- GNU Radio Measurement Toolbox Research and Development are in need of metrics of software radio systems. A common task is variation of system parameters and collecting transmission performance measured, but there is demand in the DSP community to gather performance data. I proprose a GSoC project to create a unified, distributed and versatile tool to do benchmarking of DSP applications as a whole and for performance analysis of their components.
- Increasing the throughput of the gr-trellis module The goal of this project is to improve the data throughput of the gr-trellis module. This is crucial for developing waveforms for high bandwidth mobile communication systems. As the gr-trellis module is also the basis for future turbo decoder/equalizer modules in GNU- Radio, gr-trellis has to be implemented as efficient as possible before starting to implement structures that apply the turbo principle.
- Radar toolbox Radar is a highly diverse radio technology for object detection, ranging and velocimetry. The purpose of this project is to develop an out-of-tree module for the GNU Radio project that provides a generic environment to experiment with various radar types. Some of the most commonly used radar processing algorithms shall be implemented. Universal Software Radio Peripherals from Ettus Research and adequate daughterboards are intended to be used for transmission and reception of real signals.
- Using Hardware Based Co-processors in GNU Radio GNU Radio as a digital signal processing program requires numerous mathematical operations to be executed readily and repeatedly. A faster way to process signals allows projects with high timing constraints such as channel sounding. Past co-processor projects including GPUs, FPGAs, and DSPs do not scale well with new devices. This summer we would like to implement a purely open source three step approach [1] that would improve the state of GNU Radio co-processing for years to come.