LEAP Encryption Access Project

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
Web Page: https://leap.se/en/docs/get-involved/project-ideas
Mailing List: https://leap.se/en/docs/get-involved/communication
LEAP is a non-profit dedicated to giving all internet users access to secure communication by making encryption technology easy to use and widely available.Projects
- Alternate transport for U1DB sync protocol HTTP, although an excellent mode of communication is poor for message transfers. It uses persistent connections which unnecessarily hog up network resources for messaging applications like the sync process used by LEAP Encryption Access Project. The implementation uses U1DB, which provides no alternative transport other than HTTP. Thus it's imperative that an alternate transport be used for such applications. Also it should let users select specific documents to sync and recover from a crash.
- Integrate obfsproxy with LEAP obfsproxy is a python framework for obsfuscating traffic between a client and a server. obfsproxy was initially designed and currently used with Tor software as a tool to obfuscate Tor traffic and bypass censorship tools. obfsproxy supports multiple protocols which specify how the underlying traffic will be transformed, these are called pluggable transports. Apart from using obfsproxy with Tor, it can be used to camouflage other types of traffic such as VPN or SSH connections.