52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

License: Apache License, 2.0
Web Page: https://wiki.52north.org/bin/view/Projects/GSoC2014ProjectIdeas
Mailing List: http://52north.org/resources/mailing-list-and-forums/
52°North is an international R&D partner network with partners from academia, the public sector and industry (http://52north.org). Our goal is to foster innovation in the field of geoinformatics by organizing and facilitating a collaborative software development process. The topics we address, such as the sensor web, the web of things or linked open data, reflect both the strengths and strategies of the partners involved.
Some of our software projects are enviroCar, 52°North SOS, and 52°North WPS. Check out our GitHub organization and our Ohloh page to learn more about the wide range of software our communities work on: from mobile apps to standardized web services, from cutting edge research to established products.
All of the 52°North software is published under an OSI approved open source license. 52°North GmbH, which is the legal body and service center of the network, acts as a non-profit organization.
- enviroCar App UX Design enviroCar application helps in keeping a check on the volume of co2 emissions produced in a city and also a check on the fuel consumption for an individual. Therefore, in this project i have proposed some features which will help the users in using the app more frequently and contributing towards the lowering of co2 emissions. Also i have proposed some UI/UX changes in the app which will improve the overall experience while using the app.
- Proposal for Access Control User Interface for SOS Servers Currently the SOS web app lacks the access control mechanism for different roles of users through this edition of GSOC i intent to enhance the current security for SOS by adding the access control for admin user and implementing the same for SWE client
- Sensor Data Access for Rasdaman This project should connect Rasdaman as a data storage backend to the 52°North Sensor Observation Service (SOS) implementation by adding Rasdaman as a data source in the 52°North SOS.
- Using the ILWIS framework for geo-data capture with a mobile application Develop an application, for android and using the ILWIS framework, which can deal with (temporal) inconnectivity with the internet and is easy customizable for certain use cases.