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Write Code. Save Lives. Join OpenMRS for Google Summer of Code 2014.
Thank you for your interest in OpenMRS! OpenMRS has been accepted for the 8th year as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code in 2014. We're enjoyed participating in this great program in the last 7 years and are even more excited about the projects and mentors we have available this year. Coding for OpenMRS is a great way to practice your coding skills and, at the same time, help benefit people in developing countries who are on the front lines of the battle against HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria.
The Summer of Code page on our wiki describes potential projects and our mentors this year. These aren't "busy work" - we've reviewed our actual project list and identified ones that can be completed by students (advised by our team of excellent mentors) during Summer of Code this year.
Why OpenMRS?
Our world continues to be ravaged by a pandemic of epic proportions, as over 40 million people are infected with or dying from HIV/AIDS - most (up to 95%) are in developing countries. Prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS on this scale requires efficient information management, which is critical as HIV/AIDS care must increasingly be entrusted to less skilled providers. Whether for lack of time, developers, or money, most HIV/AIDS programs in developing countries manage their information with simple spreadsheets or small, poorly designed databases ... if anything at all. To help them, we need to find a way not only to improve management tools, but also to reduce unnecessary, duplicative efforts.
As a response to these challenges, OpenMRS formed in 2004 as a open source medical record system framework for developing countries - a tide which rises all ships. OpenMRS is a multi-institution, nonprofit collaborative led by Regenstrief Institute, a world-renowned leader in medical informatics research, and Partners In Health, a Boston-based philanthropic organization with a focus on improving the lives of underprivileged people worldwide through health care service and advocacy. These teams nurture a growing worldwide network of individuals and organizations all focused on creating medical record systems and a corresponding implementation network to allow system development self reliance within resource constrained environments. To date, OpenMRS has been implemented in many countries, including South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Lesotho, Uganda, Tanzania, Haiti, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and many more. This work is supported in part by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Rockefeller Foundation, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).
Read more about OpenMRS at
- Administration Tools for OpenMRS 2.0 Reference Application is a state of the art implementation of OpenMRS, which may serve as a solid base for new implementations. However, lots of the administrative tasks e.g concept, form, global property, roles, locations and privilege management are still being done from the legacy user interface which is accessed via the Advanced Administration App, these tasks need to be ported to the reference application too.
- An Open Source Data Quality Module for the OpenMRS Community Electronic medical records are an important tool for improving and monitoring patient care. The usefulness of EMR systems relies on understanding the accuracy of the underlying data. Unfortunately, quantifying EMR accuracy is inconsistent across EMR systems. This proposal outlines the development of software to quantify EMR accuracy using consistent and best practices identified from academic literature and to report back on data quality to assist in quality improvement in OpenMRS deployments.
- Atlas Module 2.0 Atlas Module 2.0 project aims to make a version of the Atlas Module to be distributed within OpenMRS 2.0 as an app, including an implementation's marker to be associated with an OpenMRS ID. It will allow for a marker to be created or revised outside of the module, directly on the Atlas Website.
- Chart Search for the Reference Application Keeping Medical Records in an electronic form than in huge traditional paper charts/files on patients is exactly what EMRS does, therefore the ability to retrieve data is a "must have", thus a very vital and argent need to incorporate rapid perusal of patient data into our OpenMRS EMR.Here my goal is to build a GOOD Chart Search module for our new OpenMRS Ref App as a tool to achieve the above aim using some available open source resources plus my own robust inventions.
- IHE Interoperability - Patient Administration Management The goal of this project is to send out Patient Administration Management (PAM) profiles, each time a patient is created in OpenMRS. This would help OpenMRS to easily connect to a Health Information Exchange (HIE).
- OpenMRS CDA Generator Project Proposal Aim is to generate CDA documents based on the user's requests.
- OpenMRS ID Platform Improvements Being a student from developing country, I really appreciated what you have done, and I'm deeply attracted by your ideas. Also, I believe, I'm a self-motivated person as you need. As the project, I want to do the node.js project "OpenMRS ID Platform Improvements" with mentor Elliott Williams. Please get me involved.
- OpenMRS Lite Module The aim of this project is to provide a modified UI atop(or in place) of the reference application, sufficiently reducing the size of the pages and associated resources, such that this version of OpenMRS can be accessed easily through a mobile browser or laptop connected to a low-bandwidth ISP.
- OpenMRS Module for ETL/Predictive Modeling across Multiple Platform (DW) The amount of data generated is getting increased day by day and so as the appetite for finding the information from data as well. Growing appetite for data analysis can't be achieved by transactional databases. The intention of this project is to have a ETL module to interact with multiple DW compliance over which predictive modeling code could run. So, that healthcare provider can check upon the predictive modeling result based on historical data they are having/loading.
- OpenMRS RegaDB Integration A previous GSoC project successfully integrated RegaDB with OpenMRS, but the module has not been maintained. RegaDB is a database with software tools, which may be installed and managed locally, to store clinical data related to HIV and HCV treatment. It aims to support both clinicians and researchers in their work by delivering a free and open source software solution.
- Operation Theater Module The operating theater (OT) represents one of the most critical hospital units, both in patient safety and financial terms. The correct management of operating theaters represents an important step towards meeting the urgent need to deliver high quality care with limited resources. [Agnoletti et al, 2013, P2] This document proposes a module to complement the functionality of the EMR-System OpenMRS to achieve these goals.
- System Performance and Utilization Module The main goal of this project is to develop a new OpenMRS module to supply information on system performance and utilization in order to monitor reliability and impact of the electronic medical record system installation. This module would monitor OpenMRS and transfer specific system indicators. These indicators include both low level system indicators (CPU load, memory utilization, etc.) as well as application level indicators (# logins per day per user, # of opened charts, etc.).