Open Source Robotics Foundation

License: Apache License, 2.0
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Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. (OSRF) is an independent non-profit organization in Mountain View, California ( Our mission is to support the development, distribution, and adoption of open source software for use in robotics research, education, and product development. Our work is supported by contracts, grants, and donations from government and industry. At the time of writing, we have a full-time staff of 14, mostly software engineers.
- Develop a Cartesian Path Planner Plug-in for MoveIt The goal of this project is to combine or modify already available packages in ROS and MoveIt for Cartesian path planning and develop a simple and easy to use User Interface, which will minimize the end user effort for setting up the Industrial Robot.The contributions of this project will benefit greatly towards the community,making robots more user friendly and easy to interact with.
- Develop an Intuitive Tele-op Interface using 3D Sensing Main goal for this project is develop an intuitive interface for robotic teleoperation using a set of gestures vocabulary to enable to human manipulation of industrial robots.
- Develop ROS independent library for system dependency resolution We propose to implement a library that provides unified resolution of dependencies across platforms (Ubuntu, OS X, ...) and installers (APT, Homebrew, pip, ...). The rosdep tool is currently used for this purpose in the ROS community. We develop an independent library, based on the ideas of rosdep, which can be used to declare and install system dependencies in a platform independent way. The developed library and tools are applicable to ROS and other software alike.
- Fluid Simulation Continuing the development of Fluid Simulation using a plugin approach in Gazebo. Adding cohesion and friction between the liquid particles to simulate granular particles such as sand. Looking into a better approach to synchronize with the Rigid Body Physics Engine. Look into collisions with objects, transferring forces to them.
- Gazebo model visualization in WebGL My project proposal is to extend GzWeb project such that users will easily visualize models without running Gazebo server (gzserver). The main focus of this project is that users will easily try the models from ThePropShop without actually running model in simulation.