Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL)

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
Web Page: http://wiki.osuosl.org/gsoc/ideas2014.html
Mailing List: http://lists.osuosl.org/mailman/listinfo/gsoc-dev
The Open Source Lab at Oregon State University strives to advance the adoption of open source software across the globe through education, outreach and development. By offering world-class hosting services to some of the world’s largest open source projects, developing new open source tools, and giving students real-world experience under the guidance of experienced mentors, the lab supports the future of the open source community.Projects
- Infrastructure-wide IPMI Management Console Project Proposal Since a data centre houses machines from a variety of vendors, there is a need to have direct access to these machines’ power, console etc. via a tool that is vendor agnostic. This project aims to implement such a tool with the aid of IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface). The intention is to develop an application that would facilitate connection to every machine over IPMI to perform tasks like accessing the serial console, power cycling the machine, getting sensors values and so on.
- Protein Geometry Database This project mainly aims to re-architecture the existing PGD project to support the latest version of Django. Project also help introducing the Vagrant environment for project setup and installation. Documentation plays a vital role inviting new developers to contribute, so documentation is another part our project concerns about.
- Re-architecture and implementation of tools for FTP Mirror Syncing The OSL hosts a 3 node ftp mirroring cluster serving terabytes of open source data. In the currently deployed code the configuration is distributed across bash scripts, config files and crontab entries which becomes very difficult to manage. The goal of my project is to develop a better master/slave syncing architecure, build a REST API that runs on master/slave node, a basic CLI and depending on feasibility, extended CLI and web dashboard for syncing analytics.