Plone Foundation

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
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The Plone Foundation was formed in May 2004 to serve as a supporting organization for Plone. We provide support for the development and marketing of Plone, and are modeled after similar ventures such as the Apache Software Foundation. The Plone Foundation is the legal owner of the Plone codebase, trademarks, and domain names. Our goal is to ensure that Plone remains the premier open source content management system and that we broaden its acceptance and visibility.Projects
- A new Plone Message Board A new Plone Message Board The standard solution to build message boards in Plone is through Products.Ploneboard. It is however based on outdated technology and needs attention. Plone developed new technologies using dexterity and which should help make it easy to re-build the Ploneboard functionality from scratch to write a future-proof, faster and more flexible solution for Plone. A new plone message board is required incorporated with additional features.
- New Plone 5 Theme, responsive mobile, tablet, desktop. The first goal of the project is to build a really functional Plone 5 "Barceloneta" theme working responsively on mobile, tablet and desktops using latest technologies.