Swathanthra Malayalam Computing

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Web Page: http://wiki.smc.org.in/SoC/2014/Project_ideas
Mailing List: http://lists.smc.org.in/listinfo.cgi/student-projects-smc.org.in
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (SMC) . SMC has been active since October 2002 and has been working to provide various language tools that work on all layers of computing including and: not limited to rendering fixes, fonts, input mechanisms, localization, text-to-speech engines, dictionaries, spell checkers and other indic script based language computing specific tools across mobile, web and PCs. Projects under SMC are diverse and it facilitates language technology infrastructures for 1/6th of world population to access to knowledge and internet in their native languages . libindic (Indic NLP Algorithms) , Varnam Project (Predictive Input tool/library ) Dhvani (TTS), Grandham (Bibliography Opendata platform for Indian Languages), Ibus-braille(Braille 6 key Input tool), Indic Keyboard for Android and FirefoxOS(Mobile Input method App) are part of umbrella this year
Please read this document for GSoC 2014 participation.
If you'd like to apply as a mentor for our organization, please write to contact at smc dot org dot in
- Alt approach to input text using braille combinations This is an effort to produce text in different languages using reduced number of keys(6) as made possible by braille.
- Android SDK for Silpa SILPA (Swathanthra Indian Language Processing Applications) comprises of a set of applications for processing Indian Languages. The project aims at the development of Android SDK for Silpa modules which can aid developers in developing their Indic applications.
- Implementing support for various regional language IMEs in Firefox OS. Language is still a barrier for many people to engage with the Web. Firefox OS is a new platform, embracing the "Open Web". In order for it to be successful, Firefox OS must have support for local languages. During GSoC, my project would be to implement various regional Language input support to the core Firefox OS codebase, with focus on Indic languages. The jquery.ime library would be used as a reference for the implementation.
- Improving learning in varnam Varnam is a transliterator for indic languages. This project aims to improve varnam's learning capabilities by improving tokenization. The main objective is to develop a stemming algorithm for indic languages that can be configured from a scheme file.
- Language Filter for Diaspora Diaspora is a social networking platform . It has features which enables its users to follow their interests but it doesn’t have any language filter i.e users being able to post on languages which are recognized and tagged accordingly. A user who is acquainted to certain language will also not want posts from other languages to show up on his wall. This project is about enabling this feature and allow user to view translated posts.