
License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
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What is SuperTuxKart?
SuperTuxKart is an open source 3d kart racing game. We want to make the game fun more than we want to make it realistic. You can play with up to 4 friends on one PC, racing against each other or just try to beat the computer.
See the great lighthouse or drive through the sand and visit the pyramids. Race underground or in space, watching the stars passing by. Have some rest under the palms on the beach (watching the other karts overtaking you :) ). But don't eat the bananas! Watch for bowling balls, plungers, bubble gum and cakes thrown by opponents.
You can do a single race against other karts, compete in one of several Grand Prix, try to beat the high score in time trials on your own, play battle mode against your friends, and more!
The game in its current form has been under steady development since 2006 and has been downloaded more than 2 million times worldwide. It was SourceForge's "Project of the Month" in April 2013, and is included in all major Linux distributions (OpenSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, etc.). It was used by Microsoft in their IllumiRoom trailer, and even used in a TV series (“Friday Night Lights”, Season 3, Episode 11).
Who is the SuperTuxKart Team?
The game SuperTuxKart is developed by a group of volunteers. We have a set of people working professionally in the IT area ready to mentor new students. Teaching and mentoring people interested in game development was always an important aspect of developing SuperTuxKart.
What does the game look like?
- Gameplay and Physics Improvements All tracks currently in STK are flat or only slightly tilted. If karts could drive on vertical or even inverted surfaces, it will allow artists to create much more interesting tracks. This project aims to evolve the AI and physics of the game to allow this kind of functionality and further implement new kart physics.
- Gameplay Improvements In the current state of the game, only karts are accessible to drive with, and those karts all have the same properties. Having karts with different properties will make the selection of which kart to race with a lot more interesting. Not only the addition of different karts, but also different types of vehicles will increase the end-user experience a lot.
- Online User Administration Currently the Supertuxkart server has only basic features. A great addition would be to add a new role system (which will allow us to easily add new roles such as guests). With this new role system we can improve the users portal and add a new administration portal. Besides previous mentioned features this project includes improved statistics, a new anti-cheat/bug reporting system and an extended API.
- Scripting Engine for SuperTuxKart SuperTuxKart tracks currently do not support dynamic interactions between Karts and track elements. This project will implement a robust and extensible scripting engine that eases the process of track creation for artists, and allows for easier implementation of game logic.
- SuperTuxKart - Track Editor This project is about creating a standalone track editor for SuperTuxKart. The purpose of the application is to grant an easy to use, effective track editor to the enthusiastic amateur track designers, thus setting their creativity free.