Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)

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Systers is a forum for all women involved in the technical aspects of computing. The list has over 4,000 members from at least 54 countries around the world. We welcome the participation of women technologists of all ages and at any stage of their studies or careers. Systers is the world’s largest community of women in technical roles in computing. It was founded by Anita Borg in 1987 together with 12 other women as a small electronic mailing list for women in “systems”. Systers continues to serve this purpose by providing women a private space to seek advice from their peers, and discuss the challenges they share as women technologists. Many Systers members credit the list for helping them make good career decisions, and steering them through difficult professional situations. Systers is curated by Her Systers' Keeper, Rose Robinson.


  • Customizing Ushahidi for Peace Corps To better coordinate their efforts and to share up-to-date resources with each other, Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) in Azerbaijan tested out using the Ushahidi Platform as an online database for collecting information about sites and projects. Through the testing process, the PCVs identified several changes to Ushahidi that would improve usability and enhance the overall experience. I am part of the team that is making these customizations and tailoring Ushahidi to suit the needs of the PCVs.
  • Make Ushahidi usable for everyone The Ushahidi Crowdsourcing Platform will be improved in its usability. Seven enhancements have been agreed on. The project aims to cover the following milestones: usability research, adjust zoom level on the map, adjust search function, add FAQ page, adjust report selection menu, edit login, create admin dashboard, integrate current code into more organisation level. There is room for further enhancements which will be agreed on closer to coding period.
  • Malaria Prevention Mobile App A Mobile app that will aid Peace Corps Volunteer in sustaining life-saving malaria prevention tactics over their 2+ years of service. This includes sustained use of preventive meds, wearing of protective clothing and sleeping under a bed net. The app will have among its features gamification strategies to engage and thrill its users like social sharing, and tracking within a mobile application.
  • Malaria Prevention Project Peace Corps volunteers are provided by Peace Corps Malaria medication which they are supposed to take. The primary features of the project are : (a)Website for admins to submit messages to disseminate through mobile messages to PCVs in the field (b)Receive PCV messages from HQ (Android and text) (c)User Interface for both website and mobile app
  • Malaria Prevention Project The project consists of an iOS Application to help the Peace Corps in their mission of Malaria Prevention. The project has to work on three sides - the Peace Corps Volunteer side iOS Application, Android Application, and the HQ side web dashboard. I would be working on the iOS side. The application would be implemented up on existing designs contributed by the design team, and built thereafter. The aim is to come up with a user friendly implementation, that could reach out to maximum users.
  • Photo Language Translation This project aims at the development of a generic picture-dictionary kind of Ruby on Rails web application specifically for all of their volunteer sites (eg. Micronesia) to help in development of local languages which have no written script (eg. Chuukese). This application would work offline through which volunteers & contributors could upload photos taken around town even where internet access is scarce and add local language (eg. Chuukese) phonetic text and English translation.
  • RealTrack-Implementing Android Features and iOS Version RealTrack is an Android application designed to facilitate day-to-day data collection by Peace Corps Volunteers in the field. The main aim of the project is to deploy the current features of RealTrack in iOS including adding/deleting/updating Projects,Assignments and Participation.I also intend to add report generation and create graphs using these data points.Secondly, I plan to add new features in the android app(mentioned below).I also intend to create line graphs for the participation data.
  • Shelagh McGowan's RealTrack Proposal I know Java. I can complete all necessary Android tasks related to the Android version of RealTrack. I also know Objective C, how to use X-Code, the MVC pattern, and agile development methods. I can complete all tasks related to the iOS version of RealTrack. I am familiar with the iOS human interface guidelines, how to adhere to them, and how to provide the user with the best usability possible. I am smart. I am driven. I am also intermediately proficient in Mandarin!
  • Systers Portal Systers Portal is a unified platform for Systers and its sub-groups to share information and get the latest news. It solve the communication and interaction issue between groups.
  • Systers Portal Systers has sub-groups (Latinas in Computing, LGBT, Black Women in Computing, and others) and would like to have one portal where all could access to find community information, resources, local events, etc. Moderators want a central location where they could provide information for their sub-group or main Systers to include events, resources, etc. A portal for Systers and sub-groups to share information to perspective communities, lists events and by geography.
  • TESTING AUTOMATION The project consists in setting up a framework for automated tests for all the projects that are undertaken by the Systers on the project list. The objective of this project will be to create, maintain, and execute automated tests for desktop, web, mobile, and client server software applications. The project aims to have reusable and automated scripts for regression testing.
  • Volunteer Management System This project aims to create a system which helps ABI admins manage their volunteers by generating reports and maintaining tasks assigned to volunteers.
  • Volunteer Management System Proposal (by Irish Medina) Many volunteers serve under the Anita Borg Institute as well as many other non-profit organizations. The Volunteer Management System was proposed in order to manage volunteers.