Bika Open Source LIMS Collective

License: Affero GNU Public License
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Bika Open Source LIMS is an industry proven, ISO 17025 compliant Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) that leverages the power and technical simplicity of the Python programming language and the versatility and safety provided by Plone and can be adapted and implemented in any laboratory, from small to large research and hospital laboratories.
Bika LIMS can easily be extended using Plone's add-on mechanisms. Some of the extensions already available are Bika Health LIS for health care laboratories and Graphite Theme focused on improving usability.
At present there are 104 members subscribed to the Bika developers mailing list, 272 to the user list, 59 LIMS designers and analysts and 75 participants on a list dedicated to a Bika Health LIS branch. With established market traction and profile and a strong user and developer community, Bika OS LIMS will continue to grow and maintain its position as the world's leading Open Source LIMS.
Bika Lab Systems, Cape Town, South Africa and Naralabs, Barcelona, Spain, sponsor, maintain and co-ordinate the Bika open source LIMS project, committed to keep the Bika code free and available and to maintain effective organisational support.
- Inventory Management Module While Bika LIMS already has the basics for Product and Sample References management, as well as some simple Supply Order functionality, this module has been neglected for too long. In most cases the inventory management of lab products and reagents are managed by an external application (ERP) using Bika's JSON API, a Bika module will add better customised functionality, suitable for resource limited settings too, yet sophisticated enough to deal with best of breed requirements.
- Inventory Management Module for Bika LIMS The project aims to create a one-stop solution for the management of inventory in a laboratory, from the purchase and supply of inventory to its storage, analysis, stock control and defect management. In addition, the module will aid the laboratory users by evaluating the current stock and expenses. Based on this data predictions will be made on the depletion time of stocks and their future demand. The audit trails for each data change are also recorded in accordance with GLP and FDA Guidelines.
- Productivity, Management and Tracking Reports The aim of the project is to refactor catalogs and indexes, re-write Reports Module by making a generic query tool, and integrate D3.js for reports generation.