The Eclipse Foundation

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Eclipse is an open source community, whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the Eclipse projects and helps cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products and services.
- Client-UI for Eclipse Automated Error Reporting Initiative The Automated Error Reporting allows users of Eclipse IDE to report errors directly from their IDE without the need to access the Eclipse bugtracker or the registration of an Eclipse account. However, the current implementation contains only a minimal user interface for sending reports. The goal is to improve the Error Reporting with a helpful user interface, which gives a user more options to interact with the system
- Cloud removal from Satellite Imagery in GeoTrellis Clouds and cloud shadows often obscure parts of images acquired by satellites or other sensors. However, useful image data could be extracted from other non-cloudy images of the same geographical location that can be used to fill these obscure parts. When combined together with the right algorithms, these images can offer a cloud-free view of that area. Adding this functionality to GeoTrellis would enable users to run this process over any amount of imagery, in a scalable way.
- Convert to a lambda expression Java 8 refactoring/ quick fixes Eclipse is one of the most popular IDEs for Java. While JDT UI has incorporated several Java 8 quick-fixes and refactorings, there are still many features left to be done. For example, NetBeans has a refactoring that converts loops to Lambda expressions. This project is for exploring the porting of such conversion mechanisms in NetBeans to Eclipse. These may be manifested as refactoring and/or quick-fixes.
- Eclipse EASE - Help hover tooltips Integrating help tooltips for module methods
- Eclipse EASE Command Completion Support As proposed by Eclipse my project will extend the existing EASE functionality with auto-completion features. The focus will be on JavaScript since it currently is the most widely used EASE scripting language. The project will try to implement a generic solution to enable future ports to other scripting languages as well. Auto-completion will be implemented for both the interactive shell as well as the JavaScript editor.
- GeoTrellis: Cassandra Backend to GeoTrellis-Spark GeoTrellis is a Scala framework for fast, parallel processing of geospatial data. GeoTrellis also supports raster data processing on Apache Spark. GeoTrellis supports Hadoop HDFS and Accumulo as Spark backends. Cassandra is another popular distributed data store. This project aims to improve the GeoTrellis Catalog prototype implementation for Cassandra to allow processing of raster layers via Spark RDDs as well as add vector RDD capabilties, with a focus on a performance-based indexing scheme.
- GeoTrellis: Combining climate data and elevation to predict flood risk Big Data algorithms can be applied during satellite imagery processing to analyze past events and help detecting their futur occurrences. Based on previous work about flood risks, this project aims to do analytics on model predictions of future precipitation and temperature by combining the use of Scala and Spark.
- GeoTrellis: Kriging Interpolation (with the Eclipse Foundation) Implement Kriging interpolation in the core raster library (operating in a single threaded environment). The implementation would comprise building the Geo-Kriging model, in the sequence of Ordinary Kriging Model, the Universal Kriging model and then finally the Geo-Kriging model. Scope for a distributed version of the implementation so that a large collection of points in space could be turned into a collection of rasters in a distributed manner, using Spark enabled with GeoTrellis.
- GeoWave Monitor: Map-Based Accumulo Status and Health GeoWave is a geospatial index on top of Accumulo. Purpose of this project to display and present map based data on the map based interface. Also it will translate statics information on the map.
- Hbase extension for GeoWave Hbase, similar to Accumulo is an open-source, scalable, distributed, versioned, non-relational database modeled after Google's Bigtable paper. Currently GeoWave supports and can work only with Accumulo. This project aims to add support for Hbase in GeoWave and the user will have an option to choose between Accumulo and Hbase depending on his/her use-case. This will ensure that users of GeoWave can make use of the best of both the worlds.
- Implementing a Digital Elevation Model Reader for GeoTrellis This project proposes implementing a native DEM reader for GeoTrellis. This would allow reading DEM files with a low latency in a streaming context such as Hadoop Distributed File System and also save the user from the trouble of installing java bindings for Geospatial Abstraction Library(GDAL) using which reading DEM data is currently achieved.
- JDT UI: Adding New Refactoring Features and Improving Code Completion Code completion and refactoring are important features of a modern IDE that greatly help the work of software developers. The focus of this project is to extend JDT’s refactoring functionality with new features, especially with those related to Java 8, and improve the code completion. The code completion will be extended with subwords and postfix completion and at least two new refactoring features will be implemented.
- Map Request Analytics: Web Map Service (WMS) Metadata Capture and Analysis I am João Martins from Portugal where I study in University of Évora, Last year I have enjoyed a lot work with this organization and want to work again to give my contribution, after the classes time I will adapt my work time to the mentor work time, where it allow me to have a better experience and better help during the implementation.
- Project News Feeds for / in Eclipse News feed aggregator which presents news in the IDE. It will allow projects to inform its users (and only it's users) about new releases or anything related (e.g. security issues) as well as polls and more. The purpose is to provide better communication and feedback between projects and it's users.
- Visualized Statistics from the Developer Workspace Developer Statistics is an incubator project of Eclipse Code Recommenders that tracks how developers use their Eclipse IDE. The goal of this project is to visualize some interesting facts from the developer workspace.