International GeoGebra Institute

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
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The International GeoGebra Institute (IGI) in Linz, Austria is the not-for-profit organization behind the educational open source mathematics software GeoGebra.
GeoGebra combines features of interactive geometry, algebra, calculus, and statistics in one single, easy to use package for mathematics education at all levels. GeoGebra is available for download free of charge for non-commerical use from and runs on Windows, MacOS, in a Chrome browser and Linux platforms, and most recently as Window 8, Android, and iOS apps.
Our software and educational materials are available in 55 languages and used by millions of teachers and students in 190+ countries, from 1 user in the Republic of Palau to more than 2 million in the US. Unique visitors to were up 89% in 2013 to 10.2M. GeoGebra has rapidly become a global institution in mathematics education, from primary through tertiary, and favored as the software of choice by partners as diverse as Ministries Education to education platform start-ups.
The software facilitates the creation of mathematical constructions and models by students that allow interactive explorations by dragging objects and changing parameters. GeoGebra is also an authoring tool that allows teachers to create interactive web-pages and e-books. On GeoGebraTube,, users have shared more than 70,000 free learning materials that can be modified and adapted to specific local or individual needs. Presently, more than 3,000 new materials are added every week to GeoGebraTube. Our new feature enabling users to create their own professional e-books with something we call GeoGebraBook is the latest in a long list of milestones achieved in recent months, an example GeoGebraBook from a user from our Hong Kong community can be viewed here .
IGI as an organization is a network of user, developer and researcher groups at more than 60 universities on all continents. Within IGI, teachers and researchers work together to promote the learning and teaching of mathematics by supporting and coordinating the following activities:
* implementing new features of the free software GeoGebra,
* providing the open educational resources sharing platform GeoGebraTube,
* developing free GeoGebra workshop materials,
* offering workshops for teachers and future GeoGebra trainers,
* developing an online support system for teachers,
* evaluating and improving the professional development activities and materials,
* designing and implementing research projects about GeoGebra, IGI and its community, and
* delivering presentations at national and international conferences.
IGI is looking forward to an exciting period of growth in 2015 and the opportunity of extending and improving functionality to keep apace with the demands and needs of our rapidly expanding community.
- Implicit Curves and Surfaces Implementation of proposed project will allow user to enter equation of implicit surfaces, the framework will automatically detect them and will invoke implicit curves and surfaces drawing algorithm for plotting.
- Intersect Improvement in Geogebra GeoGebra already supports intersecting many objects. But still there are significant no. of missing combinations. The notion of this project will be to add algorithms for intersecting remaining 2D object combinations and 3D object combinations.
- Native iPad App The goal of this project is to make a native iPad App of GeoGebra. Although there is an iPad app of GeoGebra now, it is created with Cordova framework , which therefore limits the performance. To improve performance, this project is going to translate the kernel part of GeoGebra, i.e. the computation function, from java to Objective-C and create native UI.
- Recognition of Handwritten Equations The goal of the project will be to create a module that will accept as input a handwritten equation and return as output the equation in a format understood by GeoGebra software. The output could be the equation in LaTeX and/or MathML format and/or a .ggb file or something else.