Interactive Spaces

License: Apache License, 2.0
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Interactive Spaces is a software platform which allows you to merge the virtual world with the physical world. By making it easy to connect sensors to applications running on different machines in a space, quite complex behaviors can be built.
Interactive Spaces applications are built from units called Activities which can easily communicate with each other no matter where they are on the local network. Through the use of Interactive Spaces communication system, called a route, any activity in the space can speak to or listen to messages from any other activities that it chooses to. This means you can easily control and synchronize events across a collection of machines.
- Augmenting Interactive Spaces with UltraHaptics Summary The goal of my project is to cohesively combine Interactive-spaces and haptic-technology for an enriched user experience. Interactive Spaces gets augmented with the tactile feedback system of Ultrahaptics where the user can "tactically" interact with the virtual world created by the Interactive Spaces technology. This is what I call Inter-Haptics where virtual projections can be "touched" and "felt" by the user without any need to wear or touch anything.
- FAED Mesh Interactive Spaces The main idea of this project is to use a drone to bring flying an automated electronic defibrillator (AED) where a cardiac emergency is happening. As a part of the global project called FAED, my project goal will consist to use the Interactive Spaces software to develop a platform that allows the reception of data, parsing into different formats and finally be used by the Liquid Galaxy to show the information in the system.
- Link IS/ROS to ROS based new Beagleboard Linux based drone autopilots. Using Interactive Spaces, testing the theoretical model in a physical world would be much easier. Interaction of humans with a simulator and a physical quadcopter could be much more intuitive. ROS is the most widely used software package by the robotics enthusiasts. An interface between IS/ROS to ROS on Beagleboard Linux based drone autopilots must be developed to meet the present as well as future demand.