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MEDES is an Economic Interest Group located in Toulouse (France). The institute involves the French Space Agency (CNES), Toulouse Hospitals and several French universities. The scientific and medical skills of its members allow MEDES to achieve research programmes, medical and technological expertises, operational activities, as well as to develop space biological and medical engineering.
To carry out its missions, MEDES has a range of specialists from multiple disciplines. Its teams are drawn from a total of about 25 people and include medical practitioners, physiologists, engineers, IT specialists, and administrative and financial personnel.
The activities carried out by MEDES can be divided into 3 main fields, which are closely linked:
- Space exploration - MEDES is responsible for operational space medicine activities at the EAC, and provides support concerning human physiology for the scientific experiments carried out during European missions on the International Space Station (ISS). Morevoer, MEDES works on the issues raised by the adaptation of the human body to a new environment with particular responsibility, among other missions, for promoting and participating in the research and development of new space technologies in the field of health.
- Clinical research - MEDES runs and promotes the work of the Space Clinic, whose purpose is to support clinical research by investigators of international renown, on behalf of space agencies and also of interested parties from outside the field of space.
MEDES has in particular acquired specialist expertise in the application of a microgravity simulation model, anti-orthostatic bed-rest, in order to develop methods for mitigating the effects of the space environment (countermeasures). The expertise acquired in space medicine also leads MEDES to undertake studies regarding more traditional health concerns. These studies may investigate the physiological effects of physical inactivity, the effects of medication on vigilance, sleep, or pharmacokinetics, or may test new medical devices. - E-health and epidemiological monitoring - MEDES contributes to the development of applications for the benefit of society as a whole, services and technologies derived from the knowledge and experience acquired from space activities, in the fields of medicine, public health, biomedical instrumentation, and information and communication technologies. For these projects, MEDES acts as a laboratory for innovation and incubation, and offers the following services:
- Laboratories for tests and specifications,
- Assistance during deployment and evaluation phases,
- R&D laboratory for generic solutions,
- Integrator of solutions/Prototyping on request,
- Exploitation and transfer
Read more about MEDES at
For its activities, MEDES has developed an innovative data collection tool based on Open Source technologies: the Imogene solution. This tool has enabled the deployment of information systems in various contexts that are now operational. The platform allows to rapidly design a data collection system and, based on MDA technologies, it allows to generate a set of applications fulfilling the needs specified by the model. The applications generated include:
- a Web application,
- an Android application,
- a Desktop application.
Both Android and Desktop applications can work offline and have bi-directionnal synchronization processes. They integrate remote update mechanisms.
Read more about Imogene on our website or at
- Migrating Imogene to Acceleo I work as part of my thesis on the generation of data collection applications for tuberculosis surveillance with Imogene. In fact, the Imogene studio is using openArchitectureWare and the Xpand language to generate the set of application giving a model. But openArchitectureWare does not look to be maintained. The goal of the project is to migrate from openArchitectureWare technologies to Acceleo which is newer, provide more functionalities and is better documented.