52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

License: Apache License, 2.0
Web Page: https://wiki.52north.org/bin/view/Projects/GSoC2015ProjectIdeas
Mailing List: http://52north.org/resources/mailing-list-and-forums/
52°North is an international R&D partner network with partners from academia, the public sector and industry (http://52north.org). Our goal is to foster innovation in the field of geoinformatics by organizing and facilitating a collaborative software development process. The topics we address, such as the sensor web, the web of things or linked open data, reflect both the strengths and strategies of the partners involved.
Some of our software projects are enviroCar, 52°North SOS, and 52°North WPS. Check out our GitHub organization and our Ohloh page to learn more about the wide range of software our communities work on: from mobile apps to standardized web services, from cutting edge research to established products.
All of the 52°North software is published under an OSI approved open source license. 52°North GmbH, which is the legal body and service center of the network, acts as a non-profit organization.
- 3D Connection Maps Tools to set-up thematic maps showing connections or dependencies between different spatial features (e.g., good imports/exports of the World's countries, flight connections between airports, or chat contacts between Internet users) are hard to find. Thus, this project addresses the realization of an application that allows to set up connection maps based on X3D (resp. X3DOM for the Web) in 3D space based on 52°North Triturus.
- enviroCar Light Currently, the process of collecting driving data with the enviroCar application requires a series of manual user interactions. This is unpleasant and tedious over the long run and holds significant disincentive to use the app regularly. The aim of this project is to simplify and automate the workflow of collecting driving data in order to achieve a regular contribution of the users.
- Social Driving Stats Sharing specific tracks or statistics is currently not possible on enviroCar. So this project is to enhance the enviroCar with sharing facilities and social media links by implementing a REST interface for creating and providing track visualisations and statistics. Furthermore, enviroCar should be linked to social networks, such as Google Plus, Facebook or Twitter. Therefore, this project will utilize the APIs of these platforms and integrate it within the user profile pages of enviroCar.
- SPARQL endpoint and InterOperability for EnviroCar data Creation of a SPARQL endpoint which responds to direct querying of enviroCar LOD , linking of The data set other possible endpoints , and compliance with GeoSparql to put out enviroCar data to the world in more accessible and compliant ways .
- Statistics for OGC Web services The SOS application’s message data flow is rapid and short in nature and it is necessary to measure some metrics of the incoming/outgoing messages and overall how the users uses the service. My proposal is integrating a working monitoring component which utilize the SOS inner event bus infrastructure for storing the metric logs in ElasticSearch and visualizing it for the users with Kibana frontend.
- WPS-Ilwis Bridge The 52°North WPS is used for processing geodata with different backends, like R, GRASS or Sextante. This project will connect the backend of Ilwis NG too, with creating a SWIG binding to the Ilwis’ C++ functions and use them in a Java WPS process. I intend to create a few example (vector and raster algorithms) and create a tool which automates this procedure.