Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL)

License: Apache License, 2.0
Web Page: https://wiki.osuosl.org/gsoc/ideas2015.html
Mailing List: gsoc-dev@osuosl.org,http://lists.osuosl.org/mailman/listinfo/gsoc-dev
The Open Source Lab at Oregon State University strives to advance the adoption of open source software across the globe through education, outreach and development. By offering world-class hosting services to some of the world’s largest open source projects, developing new open source tools, and giving students real-world experience under the guidance of experienced mentors, the lab supports the future of the open source community.
- OSUOSL Data Center Tools project OSUOSL hosts variety of systems in it’s data center which include a wide array of vendors . Each of these machines utilize some type of out-of-band technology such as iLO or iDrac which allows direct access to the machine power and other features. Unfortunately each OOB tool is different between the command line access and the console access. OSUOSL have begun work on an IPMI management tool, and would like to integrate SNMP functionality with this to create a unified OOB management tool.
- OSUOSL: Protein Geometry Database This project will be mainly focused on revamping the current user account system, building occupancy awareness into PGD(and various hierarchy), testing the current development branch of PGD(using Django 1.6.5), implementing a search by deposition date, re-architecturing the PGD to support Django 1.8
- What’s Fresh version 2.0 What’s Fresh is an open source project to create a mobile app for locating fresh local seafood on the Oregon coast.It consists of a Django driven API and a multi-platform mobile app created with the Sencha tool kit.My job will be to improve the Django data entry system by integrating map based location data entry,making the overall data entry process smoother and simpler,providing theming and customization for the mobile and API app and make an automated build process for the mobile application.