
License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
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We're developing phpMyAdmin, a MySQL web interface. It supports most MySQL features, is widely used by database administrators and well supported by hosting providers.
- Codebase Improvements: OOP and refactoring The project aims at improving the phpMyAdmin code base by refactoring existing functions and classes with object-oriented design patterns. The goal of the project is to convert current not well OOPed .lib and .class to be OOPed classes, which will ease future development of phpMyAdmin. This project will bring many benefits to developers like well designed and OOPed classes, and a simple template system for HTML outputs.
- Feature request project enhancements Every project over a period of time has to come up with new features that may help its users as well as its own performance to get better. In this regard, phpMyAdmin, since its start has always responded to the needs and requests of its users and this project aims to continue that by implementing a few of the selected RFEs over the summer.
- Page-related settings and other user interface improvements The project is about implementing several feature requests. Majority of these feature requests are affecting user interface. The feature requests planned for the project are listed below. - rfe#1559 Page-related settings - rfe#1541 Disable foreign key checks in some operations - rfe#1551 Integrate SQL debugging into the console - rfe#1557 Option to remove functions and procedures from navigation tree - rfe#1603 Export: per-table structure/data
- Parser and Analyzer Rewrite The purpose of this project is to write a replacement for the current SQL parsing library. In my opinion, it is going to have a huge impact on phpMyAdmin as it improves the user's experience by fixing old bugs and implementing new features, based on users' feedback. For developers, this project will ship a parsing library which will provide high performance and flexibility. I am sure that this library will be a step forward.