Sustainable Computing Research Group ( SCoRe )

License: Apache License, 2.0
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The Sustainable Computing Research Group (SCoRe) at University of Colombo School of Computing has conducted research covering various aspects of wireless sensor networks, embedded systems, digital forensic, information security, mobile applications and e-learning. The goal of our research is to generate computing solutions through identifying low cost methodologies and strategies that lead to sustainability.
- Proposal 21 : Smartphone Support for People who Stutter. Stuttering is a speech disorder that we find among people which makes them and listeners feel very uncomfortable while having conversations. Some special devices exist to overcome this disorder and smartphones can be also used to do the same thing. This proposal is on building a mechanism to overcome stuttering from your Android smartphone.
- Search optimization/Text Indexing + Report Generation for AndroSpy ANDROPHSY is an open source mobile forensics framework for Android platform, which is a rapidly developing project and it’s missing some key features it’s expected to have. At the moment, It can only be configured and run on an Linux environment and required to make the build universal. Apart from the universal build, searching and indexing evidence and automatic report generation would be added.
- Text and Graphic extraction Module for OpenDF The ocr graphics and string extraction module will be implemented under this module. The module is pluggable and can be intergrated to the system once enough testing has been done. The project includes a image pre processing module and the processed images will be used for ocr.