Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
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Systers is a community for all women involved in the technical aspects of computing. The list has over 5,000 members from at least 54 countries around the world. We welcome the participation of women technologists of all ages and at any stage of their studies or careers. Systers is the world’s largest community of women in technical roles in computing. It was founded by Anita Borg in 1987 together with 12 other women as a small electronic mailing list for women in “systems”. Systers continues to serve this purpose by providing women a private space to seek advice from their peers, and discuss the challenges they share as women technologists. Many Systers members credit the list for helping them make good career decisions, and steering them through difficult professional situations. Systers is curated by Her Systers' Keeper, Rose Robinson.
- [Chetna Gupta] PowerUp Android Mobile Game Proposal This proposal seeks to build on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) to help preadolescent girls, between the ages of 12 to 14 who live in the greater Boston area, make more informed decisions regarding their reproductive and sexual health. The android app would try to cover topics such as Women's health, body changes, menstruation, unsafe sex, pregnancy, abortion, adoption etc in the mini-games.
- [GSoC2015]Proposal for the Photo Language Translation project I am interested in the Photo Language Translation project. I believe that it is a service that is crucially needed by the people who the service is targeted to, and it would absolutely be a great opportunity to join and help improve on the project to make it more complete. Summary of my suggestions: Build administrator's page and tools. Improve UI/UX. Reform application for mobile development. Build a central server/database and a way to sync local&server. Open partially to public.
- AUT for VMS Automated Testing for Volunteer Management System
- Crowdsourcing for Guyana Deaf Community The Peace Corps have taken up the task of working with PCVs to educate the differently-abled students of Guyana who are unable to hear. The volunteers identify such students in need and shall upload their location along with other necessary details on the Guyana Crowdsourcing portal. The required information shall be easily available to other PCVs and important notifications shall be sent to Peace Corps for immediate attention.
- FirstAide - A Confidential Safety Resource The objective of the application is to serve as a Confidential Safety Resource for Peace Corps Volunteers. To that end, this application will be used by volunteers at the field to be both proactive and reactive in case of sexual assault. The Android version of the application has been developed throughout the summer for GSoC 2015.
- Mailman 3 Systers' use a customized version of Mailman 2. With the release of the new version, this project was dedicated to port Systers customized features to Mailman 3. The features that are ported include Stats for admins like: - Number of subscribers/unsubscribes: - Number of total unique subject lines - Number of subscribers that posted Language: Python, SQL Framework: Django
- Making Crowdmap Network Error Proof The aim of this project is to make Crowdmap foolproof to network errors resulting from poor connections. This involves reducing optimizing features to reduce bandwidth usage, making use of client side storage like IndexedDB & caches to store the data during network errors and sync them into the central database when network is available. Hubspot's Offline will be used to read the network state and perform the actions based on this. Much lighter & network error resistant Crowdmap is the target.
- Malaria Prevention Peace Corps Volunteers serving in Malaria endemic regions have a risk of contracting Malaria and are thus prescribed drugs to prevent contracting Malaria. However, there is the possibility that a PCV may forget to take their medication, which may lead to an increased risk of contracting Malaria. To help mitigate this possibility, Peace Corps has proposed a Malaria Prevention app to be utilized by PCVs on the field to give them reminders of when to take their medication.
- Malaria Prevention (iOS Version) The goal of the Peace Corps Project ‘Malaria Prevention' is to create a mobile app to help the Peace Corps Volunteers sustain protective practices against Malaria during their service at remote locations, which is quite essential since they are non-immune travellers. In my proposal, I have discussed ideas and functionalities that I wish to include followed by a detailed description of the implementation, design, deliverables, milestones and a realistic timeline split into work per week.
- Malaria Prevention App For Android - Peace Corps This mobile application helps volunteers sustain protective practices against malaria over their 2+ years of service. It is a reminder app that helps Peace Corps Volunteer workers to keep track of their medications and to remember to wear protective clothing and tosleep under a mosquito net.
- Malaria Prevention Application Android Malaria Prevention Application by Systers Community is both available in Android and iOS Application. The current facilities, which this application provides are- 1) Info hub 2) Medicine Reminder system 3) Trip Indicator 4) Pill Tracker for the Peace Corps Volunteers
- Malaria Prevention iOS Summary: Development of the MalariaPrevention application for iOS devices. I am currently developing iOS applications in FenixEdu in swift using a public RestAPI. The content of this proposal includes an url containing screenshots and code snippets in swift. Throughout my life I did voluntary work and the opportunity to enrol in a big project where my skills could be in good use makes this project very interesting to me. The planning is described below in the content of this proposal.
- Peace Corps Sexual Assault (PCSA) The objective of the application is to serve as a Confidential Safety Resource for Peace Corps Volunteers. To that end, this application will be used by volunteers at the field to be both proactive and reactive in case of sexual assault.
- PeaceTrack Android PeaceTrack is a mobile application to collect and record data by volunteers. It replaces the long process of manually entering and submitting the Volunteer Report Forms. Peace Corps can get insights to the data and measure performences on cohorts and volunteers very effectively.
- PeaceTrack Android App PeaceTrack is an Android smartphone application for Peace Corps volunteers (PCVs) and administrators. Its main purpose is to give a tool to volunteers to collect data and report back to PC headquarters on progress and status of their assignments. It's important for PC administrators/managers to track their PCVs activities and assignments. Last year it was developed during GSOC 2014. This session the same app will be improved.
- PeaceTrack iOS Aim of the project is to build iOS version of PeaceTrack's existing Android app. I plan on implementing this project from the scratch rather than building on the existing code of the iOS app coded in GSoC 2014, but will import already implemented features from the existing code. Final deliverable will be fully functional and tested iOS app having the required features that will facilitate day-to-day data collection by Peace Corps Volunteers in the field.
- Photo Language Translation 2015 Through this project, I hope to introduce new design templates and an elegant set of user interfaces to the Photo Language Translation app. The project aims to add more features such as organization-level login, team management, admin dashboard, RESTful API and HTML5 offline capabilities. Adding users activity records, article revisioning and discussions among the team members are the enhancement of the photo sections. I hope these implementations will enhance and improve the user experience.
- Portal MeetUp Features Systers used Meetup Everywhere for our global community. However, Everywhere was discontinued in December 2014. This project is aimed to develop a web based meetup management application to provide facilities similar to Meetup Everywhere that server Systers Global Community
- Testing Automation The project consists in setting up a framework for automated tests for all the projects that are undertaken by the Systers on the project list. The objective of this project will be to create, maintain, and execute automated tests for desktop, web, mobile, and client server software applications. The project aims to have reusable and automated scripts for regression testing.
- Testing Automation The project aims at creating testing framework for all the projects undertaken by the Systers on the ideas page of GSOC 2015. It requires collaboration and coordination with students, mentors, Project Managers, org administrator. The goal is to create and execute automated test scripts which are efficient and reusable. It will include test suites for web, desktop,mobile and client server software applications. All the tests will be done in Java using selenium.
- Testing Automation The development of this project includes setting up a generic automated testing framework in which a Syster web project can be tested. The generic nature of the framework will allow for other Syster web projects to be tested as well. In addition, database tests will be implemented to automate queries to fetch data from the database. Selenium(Junit testing framework) implemented in Java will be used. The end product should be tests which can be reused and automated for regression testing.
- Testing Automation Project The Systers GSoC project I am applying for is the Testing Automation project. Since it is expanding to all of the projects, I would like to make testing automation as simple as possible for all of the users. I would set up the test environments, specific features for each of the program's tests using the previous year's project as an example, debug and tweak issues that arise along the way, and then finally implement a nice GUI to make the process feel more professional and streamlined.