TEAMMATES @ National University of Singapore

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
Web Page:
Mailing List:
TEAMMATES is an award winning online feedback management system for teachers/students. It is a free SaaS application that runs on the Google App Engine. It is currently used by more than 250 universities. It is a not-for-profit project funded by education grants.
The long-term vision of TEAMMATES is to become the biggest student-built project in the world. So far, it has received contributions of 100+ student developers and has done more than 150 releases over a four year period.TEAMMATES won the grand prize OSS World Challenge 2014 and has been taking part in GSoC since 2014.
Because one of the main aims of TEAMMATES (the project) is to train students in contributing to non-trivial OSS projects, it is relatively well-designed, well-documented, and well-tested (we have a very high level of automated testing).The product uses several emerging technologies (e.g., Google App Engine) learning of which will benefit students. Because TEAMMATES (the product) is a software for students by students, students can relate to the problem domain easily. The scale of the system is big enough (~300 KLoc) without being overwhelming.
TEAMMATES project is led by Dr Damith C. Rajapakse ( and his team.
Product website:
Instructions for GSoC applicants:
- Email Customizer Email customizer is a powerful feature which can be used by instructors to send customized emails to multiple students. Each email has the same kind of information, yet some of the content is unique. For example, an instructor can send an email informing that the marks for an exam are released. The common message requests students to verify their marks. Each email is personalized and contains a student’s individual marks. The unique information in each email comes from entries in a spreadsheet.
- Performance Optimization for HubTurbo As I have experience contributing to TEAMMATES as well as web app development, I would like to contribute to TEAMMATES by optimizing its sister issue tracker HubTurbo's performance, which allows managing TEAMMATES issues is easier for the dev team and project admin. My design for the optimization involves using an alternative method to store issue data, as well as two different ways in which the issue tracker sync mechanism can be improved.
- Proposal for Google Summer of Code ’15: TEAMMATES This is a proposal detailing the work that I will be doing for TEAMMATES in GSoC.
- Sessions+ This proposal aims to add additional features to Feedback Sessions in TEAMMATES focusing on improvements to feedback paths, response visibility and additional question types. If time permits, a refactoring of the Results page and other improvements for enhancing usability and user-friendliness can be done.
- TEAMMATES -- Data Upload and Testing Hero The addition of the ability of uploading data about students will immensely benefit TEAMMATES. This will allow basic functions like tagging, searching, filtering and more advanced functions such as analytics. Implementing a scalable and cost-effective data upload will be a significant stepping stone to realizing TEAMMATES's full potential. The secondary project aims to improve the robustness and effectiveness of the testing aspect of the project. This will be of great benefit to the developers.
- TEAMMATES Proposal for HubTurbo UI Optimisation This is a proposal to work on HubTurbo for TEAMMATES so that managing the TEAMMATES issue tracker on GitHub is easier for both the the project administrators and all other contributors.