
License: GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)

Web Page: https://jitsi.org/gsoc

Mailing List: mailto:gsoc@jitsi.org

The jitsi.org community develops applications and libraries for real-time audio/video communication (RTC). These include the Jitsi audio/video secure communicator and SIP/XMPP client, the libjitsi media library, the Jitsi Videobridge video router (SFU), the JitMeet WebRTC application, the ice4j.org ICE stack and the TurnServer.org server. The projects use a variety of RTC technologies and are written primarily in Java, C/C++, HTML and JavaScript.


  • Audio/Video Hammer for Jitsi Video-bridge This proposal includes those information: 1. Personal information 2. Background information 3. Project proposal 4. Schedule and milestones
  • Audio/Video Hammer for Jitsi Videobridge My name is Thomas Kuntz, I'm a first year master's degree student of the University of Strasbourg in Computer Science, majoring in Network and Embedded Systems. I want to work on the Audio/Video Hammer for Jitsi Videobridge project, because I like how well defined it is, and because I would like to contribute to a FOSS project.
  • Porting TurnServer in Java The project is about porting TurnServer in Java which is and implementation of TURN protocol using ice4j so that it is consistent with the rest of the Jitsi ecosystem.