License: GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)
Mailing List:
BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform 3D solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) graphics system
BRL-CAD has more than a million lines of code(!), 400+ binary applications, dozens of libraries, and has been worked on for more than 30 years. That's right, older than GCC, Emacs, and Linux!
We do 3D modeling, but not like Blender or 3D Studio Max. We focus on modeling and engineering analyses calling for verifiable scientific accuracy. More like AutoCAD, Solidworks, or CATIA ... just a lot harder. :)
Help make BRL-CAD better than the rest! If you like design, math, graphics, ray tracing, networking, 3D modeling, high performance computing, web infrastructure, or challenging coding problems, this is the place for you. Most of our code is in C/C++, OpenCL, OpenGL, Python, Tcl, and Javascript. Our docs are text files, wiki, and XML formats. We have lots of creative/design tasks that can be done with pretty much any tool or language too.
Most of our tasks are doable in just a couple hours, even with little experience, and there's lots of mentors to help too. We even provide a fully configured virtual machine to help you get set up REALLY FAST (it is a competition, right?). We can create tasks tailored to your ability and do add tasks throughout GCI.
Voluntary Communication Checklist |
Completed Tasks
- Animate our logo!
- Animate our logo! #10
- Animate our logo! #11
- Animate our logo! #12
- Animate our logo! #13
- Animate our logo! #14
- Animate our logo! #15
- Animate our logo! #2
- Animate our logo! #20
- Animate our logo! #3
- Animate our logo! #4
- Animate our logo! #5
- Animate our logo! #6
- Animate our logo! #7
- Animate our logo! #8
- Animate our logo! #9
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD!
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #10
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #11
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #12
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #13
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #14
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #15
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #16
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #17
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #18
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #19
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #2
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #20
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #3
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #4
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #41
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #42
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #43
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #44
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #45
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #46
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #48
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #5
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #50
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #51
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #52
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #53
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #55
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #56
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #57
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #58
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #6
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #60
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #7
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #8
- Beginner: Install and run BRL-CAD! #9
- Break up large header into smaller headers (include/bn.h)
- BRL-CAD Promotional Video
- BRL-CAD Promotional Video #2
- BRL-CAD Promotional Video #3
- Class diagram for Coreinterface
- Class diagram for Coreinterface #2
- Code a Front-end style guide for BRL-CAD
- Compile BRL-CAD on Windows using Cygwin
- Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition
- Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition and Ninja
- Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010
- Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013
- Compile BRL-CAD using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013
- Compile BRL-CAD with Dev-C++
- Compile BRL-CAD with GCC trunk
- Compile BRL-CAD with LLVM trunk
- Compile BRL-CAD with Tcl/Tk's latest 8.6 sources
- Compile BRL-CAD with Tcl/Tk's latest core-8-5-branch
- Convert (transcode) 'lc' command from Tcl to C
- Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book
- Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #2
- Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #3
- Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #4
- Create a book layout for Doc Camp Book #6
- Create a BRL-CAD presentation template
- Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #6
- Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #7
- Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #8
- Create a BRL-CAD presentation template #9
- Create a BRL-CAD style guide / cheat sheet
- Create a BRL-CAD style guide / cheat sheet #2
- Create a BRL-CAD style guide / cheat sheet #3
- Create a BRL-CAD style guide / cheat sheet #4
- Create a BRL-CAD style guide / cheat sheet #5
- Create a do's and don'ts for GSoC
- Create a do's and don'ts for GSoC #2
- Create a do's and don'ts for GSoC #3
- Create a do's and don'ts for GSoC #4
- Create a do's and don'ts for GSoC #5
- Create a gallery of all 3D models
- Create a gallery of all galleries
- Create a gallery of all galleries #2
- Create a logo press kit
- Create a logo press kit #2
- Create a logo press kit #3
- Create a logo press kit #4
- Create a logo press kit #5
- Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD
- Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #2
- Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #3
- Create a Motion Typography video for BRL-CAD #4
- Create a New Year Greeting Card for BRL-CAD
- Create a precise modeling transcript for modeling a simple toy car
- Create a production-quality version of our logo
- Create a production-quality version of our logo #2
- Create a production-quality version of our logo #3
- Create a production-quality version of our logo #4
- Create a production-quality version of our logo #5
- Create a VOL wiki page
- Create a web gallery of GCI 3D models
- Create a web gallery of GCI 3D models #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI animated logo designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI animated logo designs #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI animated logo designs #3
- Create a web gallery of GCI CAD GUI designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI CAD GUI designs #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI CAD GUI designs #3
- Create a web gallery of GCI Coreinterface logo designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI Coreinterface logo designs #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI Coreinterface logo designs #3
- Create a web gallery of GCI Facebook banner designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI Facebook banner designs #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI favicon designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI favicon designs #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI splash screen designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI splash screen designs #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI splash screen designs #3
- Create a web gallery of GCI sticker designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI sticker designs #3
- Create a web gallery of GCI t-shirt designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI t-shirt designs #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI t-shirt designs #3
- Create a web gallery of GCI website landing page designs
- Create a web gallery of GCI website landing page designs #2
- Create a web gallery of GCI website landing page designs #3
- Create an utility library (LIBBU) API unit test for any file
- Create an utility library (LIBBU) API unit test for bomb.c
- Create numerics library (LIBBN) API unit test for axis.c
- Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for qmath.c
- Create numerics library (LIBBN) unit test for rand.c
- Create script to detect dead code
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites)
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #10
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #11
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #12
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #13
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #14
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #16
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #17
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #2
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #20
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #3
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #4
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #5
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #6
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #7
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #8
- Design a banner for our Facebook page (and/or other social media sites) #9
- Design a BRL-CAD business card
- Design a BRL-CAD business card #2
- Design a BRL-CAD business card #3
- Design a BRL-CAD business card #4
- Design a BRL-CAD business card #5
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #10
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #11
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #13
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #14
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #15
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #2
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #3
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #4
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #5
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #6
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #7
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #8
- Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #9
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #10
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #11
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #12
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #13
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #14
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #15
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #2
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #3
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #4
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #5
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #6
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #7
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #8
- Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #9
- Design a new website favicon!
- Design a new website favicon! #10
- Design a new website favicon! #2
- Design a new website favicon! #3
- Design a new website favicon! #4
- Design a new website favicon! #5
- Design a new website favicon! #6
- Design a new website favicon! #7
- Design a new website favicon! #8
- Design a new website favicon! #9
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #10
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #2
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #3
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #4
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #5
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #6
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #7
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #8
- Design a new website landing page for BRL-CAD #9
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #10
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #2
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #3
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #4
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #5
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #7
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #8
- Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #9
- Design a set of combination operation icons
- Design a set of render / cancel render icons
- Design a set of render / cancel render icons #2
- Design a set of render / cancel render icons #5
- Design a set of visualization mode (wireframe/hidden/flat/translucent/opaque) icons #3
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #10
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #2
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #3
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #4
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #5
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #6
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #7
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #8
- Design a T-Shirt for BRL-CAD #9
- Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors
- Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #2
- Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #3
- Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #4
- Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #5
- Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #6
- Design a web page that overviews the BRL-CAD contributors #7
- Design a website icon set for
- Design a website icon set for #2
- Design a website icon set for #3
- Design a website icon set for #4
- Design a website icon set for #5
- Design Coreinterface logo
- Design Coreinterface logo #10
- Design Coreinterface logo #2
- Design Coreinterface logo #3
- Design Coreinterface logo #4
- Design Coreinterface logo #5
- Design Coreinterface logo #6
- Design Coreinterface logo #7
- Design Coreinterface logo #8
- Design Coreinterface logo #9
- Design new API function to reduce duplication
- Design new API function to reduce duplication #2
- Design new API function to reduce duplication #2
- Design scale/rotate/translate/shear icons
- Design scale/rotate/translate/shear icons #2
- Design scale/rotate/translate/shear icons #3
- Design scale/rotate/translate/shear icons #4
- Design scale/rotate/translate/shear icons #5
- Doxygen cleanup for LIBBU
- Eliminate any library global variable
- Eliminate any library global variable #2
- Eliminate any library global variable #3
- Eliminate any library global variable #4
- Eliminate any library global variable #5
- Eliminate any library global variable #6
- Eliminate Warnings in the Bullet Library
- Ensure bu_scan_fastf_t() supports % as a delimiter
- Expand on NMG tutorial
- Expose and validate sketch and extruded sketch centroid analysis
- Find, reliably reproduce, and report any bug in Archer
- Fix any failing unit test
- Fix any failing unit test #2
- Fix any failing unit test #3
- Fix any failing unit test #4
- Fix any failing unit test #5
- Fix any failing unit test #7
- Fix any failing unit test #8
- Fix any failing unit test #9
- Fix bounding box function for our polygonal mesh (BoT) primitive
- Format and Import Transcribed Geometry Model Data from a PDF report
- Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines)
- Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #2
- Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #3
- Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #4
- Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #6
- Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines) #7
- Implement a centroid function for extruded sketches (EXTRUDE)
- Implement a single function to generate rays based on an object stencil
- Implement a UV-mapping callback for extruded sketches (EXTRUDE)
- Implement bu_scan_fastf_t() function to scan floating point values from strings
- Implement new API function to reduce duplication #4
- Implement script to create a planetary gear
- Implement single function in C to sample a cone
- Implement single function in C to sample a frustum
- Implement single function in C to sample a rectangle
- Improve a centroid function for extruded sketches (EXTRUDE)
- Improve performance of extruded sketch centroid calculations
- Investigate and fix source of rounding error
- Investigate comgeom-g import issue
- Model "BRL-CAD" in BRL-CAD
- Model "BRL-CAD" in BRL-CAD #2
- Model "BRL-CAD" in BRL-CAD #3
- Model "BRL-CAD" in BRL-CAD #4
- Model "BRL-CAD" in BRL-CAD #5
- Model "BRL-CAD" in BRL-CAD #7
- Model "BRL-CAD" in BRL-CAD #8
- Model a bicycle chain
- Model a bicycle chain #2
- Model a bicycle chain #4
- Model a gerotor in 3D using BRL-CAD
- Model a gerotor in 3D using BRL-CAD #2
- Model a gerotor in 3D using BRL-CAD #3
- Model a hand drill in 3D using BRL-CAD
- Model a planetary gear set in 3D using BRL-CAD
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #10
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #2
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #3
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #4
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #5
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #6
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #7
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #8
- Model a toy tank in 3D using BRL-CAD #9
- Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD
- Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD #10
- Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD #2
- Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD #3
- Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD #4
- Model BRL-CAD logo in BRL-CAD #5
- Model tsunami wallpaper artwork with BRL-CAD
- Model tsunami wallpaper artwork with BRL-CAD #2
- Model tsunami wallpaper artwork with BRL-CAD #3
- Model tsunami wallpaper artwork with BRL-CAD #4
- Model tsunami wallpaper artwork with BRL-CAD #5
- NACA Airfoils Code - Convert Fortran to C++
- NACA Airfoils Code - Convert Fortran to C++ #2
- NACA Airfoils Code - Convert Fortran to C++ #3
- NACA Airfoils Code - Convert Fortran to C++ #3.5
- NACA Airfoils Code - Convert Fortran to C++ #4 (Depends on #1 - #3)
- NACA Airfoils Code - Verify C++ Conversion (Depends on #4)
- Profile NURBS prep performance
- PROJECT: Implement web application for testing commit ranges
- PROJECT: Implement web application for testing commit ranges #2
- PROJECT: Implement web application for testing commit ranges #3
- PROJECT: Implement web application for testing commit ranges #4
- PROJECT: Implement web application for testing commit ranges #5
- Run CoreInterface unit test
- Stub in a new 'lc' command for listing combinations
- Stub in a new 'mesh' command for creating/editing NMG and BoT polygonal mesh geometry
- Test New BRL-CAD Virtual Machine image
- Transcribe Geometry Model Data from a PDF report to an ASCII file
- Transcribe Geometry Model Data from a PDF report to an ASCII file Helicopter
- Transcribe Geometry Model Data from a PDF report to an ASCII file Helicopter #2
- Update and expand our "brep" command manual page
- Update gdiam oriented bounding box algorithm
- Update rt to utilize new ray sampling functions
- Update rt to utilize new ray sampling functions #2
- Verify and validate UV mapping for extrude objects
- Visualize ray bundling
- Visualize ray bundling #2
- Write a wiki page on joining the BRL-CAD project
- Write a wiki tutorial on how to create a polygonal mesh (NMG) manually
- Write CoreInterface unit test
- Write CoreInterface unit test #2
- Write CoreInterface unit test #3
- Write CoreInterface unit test #4
- Write CoreInterface unit test #5
- Write draft of BRL-CAD application interface design guidelines
- Write manual page documentation (for archer)
- Write manual page documentation (for g-dot)
- Write manual page documentation (for g-voxel)