GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 BRL-CAD

Format and Import Transcribed Geometry Model Data from a PDF report

completed by: Andromeda Galaxy

mentors: Gauravjeet Singh, Ishwerdas

We have transcriptions of an early geometric model in the COMGEOM format (a now obsolete format, but the models are interesting nonetheless). These files contain the data, but not formatted in a fashion that BRL-CAD's comgeom-g importer will accept.

This task is to attempt to reformat the data transcribed from the original PDF report (see the files here) in such a way that BRL-CAD's comgeom-g import tool will successfully import them. Some work has already been done - see this file for progress made to date.

The deliverables are 1) the successfully imported .g file (look at the drawings in the original report to confirm that the geometry imported by the comgeom-g tool looks right) and the instructions on how to format the data for input. If scripts are used provide those - if a manual process was needed describe what was done.


Please discuss your progress with the developers.

Additional information on comgeom