GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014

Copyleft Games

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)

Mailing List:

We're a foundation that focuses on libraries, engines, and tools which are used to create free software games, especially for game development in educational settings (introducing youth to software development).

Our primary languages are C, Python, OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL), and Genie. For Android and web, we have some Java and Javascript.

For Google Code-In 2014 we have a broad range of task areas such as 3d visual effects, physics, network programming, game controller support, game console packaging and maintenance scripts, graphic design, educational material, and technical reference documentation.

We primarily use IRC - interested students should join #CopyleftGames on as a first step. We also use Google Hangouts quite a bit during Google Code-In, including a scheduled Hangout On-Air every Sunday at 20:00UTC.

Completed Tasks